Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rain...yet again!

It is dark, gray and pissing down with rain and I am SO over it now and ready for the sunshine again. Luckily our lake level was back to a high normal level and it doesn't appear that there will be any flooding for us and I can only hope that the other water-logged and previously flooded areas fare well. I am so looking forward to our cruise and thankfully in just a week we'll be sailing around the Caribbean with what I hope will be gorgeous sunny weather.

Friday I decided that Maisie needed a haircut before our trip so we paid a visit to Miss Tina and now Maisie's hair is adorable and cut perfectly! Tina is a fabulous hairdresser and a very precise cutter and in fact I've been planning on switching to her at the adult salon where she also works but I just haven't gotten around to scheduling an appointment so while we were at the kid's salon I decided to have Tina cut my hair too and she did a great job. Even though it's a kids salon there are many Moms and Dads that while there, get their hair cut too and yesterday I was one of them. Thankfully they have real salon chairs too and I didn't have to squeeze myself into one of the airplane, taxi cab, police car or fire engine chairs as that would have been quite the sight!

Friday afternoon K & A came over to play for a bit and since it was rainy and cool out I decided we needed to make brownies from scratch. All three kids had fun adding ingredients to the bowl and taking their turn at stirring everything together. The afternoon play date turned into a super long play time thanks to K & A's Dad being out at a concert for the evening and Eammon being gone for the weekend at the Petit Le Mans. K & A's Mom and I raided and combined what we had in our refrigerators and came up with an tasty, easy and loved by all dinner followed by the kids brownies. We then hung out until well past all the kids bedtimes with Anne and I chatting whilst watching the children play. After everyone left it took Maisie a while to calm down and she finally fell asleep around 10:30PM.

After such a late night my girl slept in a bit not waking until a little past 7am, which for her is a late morning. Our morning included more play time with K & A and then Maisie, K and I were off to the gym as there was a competition and Maisie and the other girls on the Jr. Pre-team were doing a performance. It was fun watching part of the competition and K enjoyed watching Maisie perform and the big girls too. I'm a little bummed because my camera didn't work properly so my video didn't come out and I didn't even get a decent picture of all the girls but trust me, they all looked adorable and did a great job.

Since Eammon is at the racetrack until sometime tomorrow, tonight Maisie and I are dining at K & A's and all I was asked to bring were some brownies, so an easy night for me and I know we'll have a good time as we always do. My big project for the weekend is to get everything we're taking on the cruise washed and packed and I'm halfway there as everything is washed, so off to a good start. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain again but Maisie and I have nothing planned so it will give me the time to get everything packed. After tomorrow we should be rain free until next weekend, woohoo!!


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Wow, sorry for the lack of sun. We could use some rain up here. And some real fall weather!

  2. Have fun on the cruise. Kinda ironic that you have almost been living on a house boat and now you are going on a cruise. Funny how irony comes that way. I am sorry to hear it rained again, BUT so glad to hear you are no longer (knock on wood) in flood danger. Hope things went well at the track and I sure wouldn't have minded licking the brownie bowl!!!

  3. I love the place where Maisie gets her hair cut! Talk about making it fun for kids. Maisie looks adorable!


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