Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday brunch

I'm on a roll here, four posts within one week!

This morning we met up with Ilene, Michael & April for a sushi brunch at Maisie's favorite restaurant, Nori Nori and oh was it delicious. Eammon, Maisie and I have been there many, many times for both lunch and dinner but this was a first for Ilene and Michael. After hearing us rave about the food they agreed that the wonderful praises we've lavished on the place were all true as they enjoyed their meal as much as we enjoyed ours. While Eammon and I enjoyed a fabu selection of sushi, hot entrees, salads, fruit and desserts, Maisie stuck to her favorites udon noodles, dumplings and a little ice cream for dessert. Where we were seated we had a nice little private area behind the table where the girls were able to spread out, color and play and at the end of our 2 1/2 hours there, some snuggles and rough housing with Eammon.
We did have one little bit of naughtiness when Maisie decided to use the wall as her canvas but thankfully our waitress was very understanding and after a time out Maisie sincerely apologized. Other than that one instance both April and Maisie were well behaved, ate all their food and played amazingly well together allowing us adults to time to eat and talk. Good friends, food and well behaved little girls, a great way to spend a few hours on a rainy Sunday.
Speaking of Sunday, it's time for Three-Word-Sunday* again and I'm using two pictures to sum up our week.

Maisie absolutely loves school and all the plaid that makes up her uniforms and I personally think she looks stinkin' adorable in everything she wears but she's truly rocking the plaid.

We really have had a great week but Maisie is tough, opinionated, stubborn and a master at pushing my buttons and testing limits. No matter what though I just love my girl more than words could say...even when she's downright miserable & rotten, she's still my best girl.
* Sum up your week in three little words. You can sing it, you can say it, you can write it, you can draw it. It can be funny or sad or poignant as long as it’s honest. Check out Pug Mama's blog later in the week to see her video of all the participant's pictures.


  1. That last picture is FANTASTIC!!!!

    You're right, Maisie does 'ROCK' plaid!! She looks cute in anything! :o)

  2. She does look GREAT in plaid but I agree that last picture is adorable of her:)
    Have a fun week (I know you will:)

  3. Hope you have a big one of that face in a frame. It rocks even more than the plaid.

  4. adorable! She really does rock her plaid!

  5. What a gorgeous smile your sweet girl has!

  6. Thanks for the kind words and for checking in! It is much appreciated my friend.

  7. We have had wall artists at our house too. I do have to say it has never been in least I don't think. Now that I have said it outloud I will be cursed. Glad everyone enjoyed the food. The whole plate full of jello made me laugh.

  8. I know it looks like Baba is going bald but he isn't. The hair on the top of his head is becoming more lustrous and shiny. It reflects the light so some people thing he is going bald but he isn't really.
    Have to say that is a wicked shirt too Eammon, you do look fabulous in it.

  9. Anonymous3:51 PM

    We had a great time at Nori Nori.

    Comment to Laurel who left a message. Hi, this is Ilene, April's mom. April had been a little ill during the night, so we were trying to keep it as bland as we could. Was very happy to see they had jello at the restaurant.

    --Ilene :)

  10. Wow... that last picture is so adorable!!! Glad you had a wonderful brunch with your friends. Love all the pics!


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