Saturday, August 29, 2009

Big sister gathering

Thankfully today was a gorgeous sunny and warm day so Maisie was able to attend her first big sister & brother event.

IMG_6680 1 The big sister & brother program is a youth led group which connects children adopted from China with Chinese-American teens and today's event was a pool party.

IMG_6687 2 There were so many little girls and numerous big sisters & brothers all having a great time together. Some of the big sisters were doing face painting and others were making balloon animals for the girls.

IMG_6694 3 The girls all had fun playing in the pool, going down the water slide and during adult swim, congregating in the kiddie pool.

IMG_6698 4 Maisie enjoyed meeting the little girls but especially loved meeting the big sisters. It was very sweet how the big sisters each took time with each of the girls and you could tell that everyone enjoyed the interaction.

IMG_6705 5 After a couple of hours in the pool everyone returned to the clubhouse for snacks of homemade egg rolls, chips, cookies, cake, popsicles, brownies and much more.

IMG_6707 6 Maisie had a blast and was totally worn out by the end of the day so-much-so that she was sound asleep within two minutes of getting in the car for the ride home.

IMG_6711 7 Maisie can't wait to attend her next big sister & brother event next month.


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    What a fantastic idea! Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. That is wonderful! So glad you found that program. Hopefully I'll need it someday.

  3. So glad you didn't get any rain yesterday! What an awesome group. I may look into that when Briana gets a little older. So fun!

  4. What an awesome event!! Do they have it all over (like in CA?!) or is it just a local thing?

  5. What an awesome program


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