Saturday, August 15, 2009

Social Saturday

Maisie's social calendar was full today and she had a great day. This morning Maisie and Eammon attended Claire's 3rd birthday party which was held at PLAY and from what they both told me, she had a great time. Give Maisie a trampoline, foam pit, friends and cake and what's not to love. She hasn't been to PLAY since May so she had great fun being back there again. While Maisie and Eammon played and partied I got to straighten up the house, go to the grocery, prepare some food for dinner, run and empty the dishwasher and get the laundry for the week finished, the party would have been a lot more fun but I just wasn't prepared for our guests who were coming for dinner.

After the party Eammon was quite tired from all the jumping and playing but little energizer Maisie was still going strong. After quite a struggle she did finally nap but it was brief especially compared to Eammon's. After nap our dinner guests Ilene, Michael & April arrived and would you believe that Maisie and April were wearing identical outfits! Maisie and April looked so cute together and immediately started playing with the hula hoops, on the trampoline, balance beam and bar. Next thing we knew they had gone off together to Maisie's bedroom where they were reading books, giggling and having a great time. For me it was like a glimpse into the future when she's a teen, hanging in her room with friends.

Next stop for the girls was the pool where Eammon and Michael sat outside watching and playing with them while Ilene and I enjoyed staying in the air conditioning as I got dinner assembled. Grilled pizza, broccoli salad and watermelon & honeydew salad comprised our menu and everyone enjoyed. Ilene and Michael brought dessert of cherries and and ice cream cake and though I'm the only cherry eater in this house, the ice cream cake was a huge hit with everyone.

After dinner we all played a little Wii and before we knew it, it was after 8:30 so our evening had to come to an end. Ilene and I changed the girls into their pajamas and then it was hugs and silliness before April and family headed home. A very fun afternoon and evening with friends which will hopefully be repeated again soon.


  1. Serious social fun! Wow.... And we have the same Pj's and the same Kai Lan shirt. Cool! I do think it is funny how these little ones can out last the grown ups.

  2. How fun! The girls look so cute together! You won't believe it, but Briana has that same red Kai Lan shirt and I put it on her yesterday too! Too funny!

    MMMM, grilled pizzas...


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