Sunday, August 16, 2009

Leapster Loving Lass

It's three word Sunday again!*

Maisie has now had her Leapster for 19 nights. Overall my plan to use it as incentive to have her sleep in her own bed, all night long so that next day she gets to play with it seems to be working. Since she got the Leapster, all but the second night and two nights this past week when she's awoken with nightmares, she's slept all night in her own bed, woohoo!! After we do her nighttime routine and say our goodnight we allow her to play her games in bed for a while and she's been good when we tell her that it's time to turn it off and go to sleep. In addition the game that she has helps her with her writing and math skills and she doesn't even realize that it's educational. Overall the Leapster is a hit in our house.

* Sum up your week in three little words. You can sing it, you can say it, you can write it, you can draw it. It can be funny or sad or poignant as long as it’s honest. Check out Pug Mama's blog later in the week to see her video of all the participant's pictures.


  1. I see a Leapster in our future too!
    Glad it is helping M.
    Happy 3WS!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy for Eleven Months

  2. gotta love Leapster!

  3. My youngest had a leapster and I can not saw another good things about it!!! It is perfect for car/plane trips!!!

  4. The Tongginator LOVES her Leapster! At least, she loved it after she learned that she wouldn't win an argument with it. Heh. Glad your gal is enjoying her new toy!

  5. Our daughter loves her Leapster2. Se plays it in bed, in the car, etc. Do you have the Kai Lan game? She loves that one and the Princess one the most.


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