Saturday, January 31, 2009

A style all her own

IMG_5025 Maisie sometimes has a style all her own. Today she was dancing around the house in a pink sweatshirt sporting remnants of breakfast & lunch, camouflage sweatpants with roses, giraffe slippers and a pretty pastel tutu. Maisie thought she was hot stuff and who was I to argue?

* We had another fun week filled with the usual activities, school, gymnastics and ballet.

* Tuesday afternoon Cameron, Maisie's 9 year old friend from our street, came over for a play date. The two of them had fun making beaded necklaces and bracelets, playing with glue and glitter and playing together outside. Maisie keeps talking about playing with the big girls and can't wait until next Tuesday when Cameron will come play again.

* On Wednesday I had fun getting together with Kathy, Lisa & Randi so that we could celebrate Randi's referral of Emma, one very cute little girl.

* My not so fun part of the week was all the phone calls I had to make dealing with the obscene number of medical bills from back in November. Fourteen days in the hospital for me, four days for Eammon, three ER visits, one ambulance ride, dozens of doctors, lab services, radiology, nuclear medicine, IV therapy, specialty services, pharmacy & drug charges, respiratory therapy, OR and surgery services and the list goes on. Well over 100K in charges, thank goodness for insurance but still a huge bill remains.

* Maisie loves to skip and she has it perfectly coordinated and she moves fast. Now everywhere we go she's off at full tilt skipping she goes.

* Friday night Eammon, Maisie and I went to an absolutely FABU Japanese restaurant/sushi place. Every plate looked like a work of art and it tasted just as wonderful. We can't wait to go back and because it was so good, I don't think we'll be waiting oh too long.

* Tonight we're off to meet friends for dinner and it should be fun because it's probably been over a year since we last saw them.

* One final bullet, Maisie is obsessed with violins. All sorts of items turn into pretend violins. She's so cute playing her pretend violin and singing along as she plays. Music lessons may be in her future but oh how I hope that she moves away from the violin as I'm not sure my ears could take the practicing.


  1. I love her style!

    I hear you about the medical bills. Although mine weren't as extensive, I had two trips to the E.R. last year, one of them in an ambulance.
    Between the co-pays and the deductibles, we're still paying it off!

    I'm sorry you both were so sick but so glad you are better now.

  2. Little Miss Stylin' Maisie is so cute! Skipping around??? Violin??? What an active little gal!


  3. Holy cow! Your medical bills ARE obscene!!! Remind me not to get sick when in the US!!!

    I love Maisie's style! Mikayla was into such ensembles, when she was younger!!! Don't worry... they do grow out of it... although, I still think Mikayla's dress sense is a little "off"!

    Maybe Maisie will be the next Symphony Violinist?!

  4. I think she looks adorable! Very creative!!

  5. Well, I think Maisie is quite the fashionista! I'm sure this look will hit the runway NEXT season... of course, Maisie will be setting new trends by then.
    I hear you on the medical bills. I have thousands of dollars in bills left over from 4 hospitals, multiple docs, and my surgery last year. I've just accepted that I'll probably be paying it off for the rest of my life and not letting it stress me anymore... :)

  6. Violins??? How wonderful! Dare loves Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin. I highly recommend it. So good to be back and see Maisie's in all her glory. I missed reading the blog.

  7. She most certainly does have style!

    Sorry about all those medical bills. Getting sick stinks - period.

  8. I love those faux giraffe boots! The whole outfit is just adorable!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  9. Mary Joyce loves violins, too. In fact, that is what she wanted Santa to bring her for Christmas. I found a fun toy one online at Target, and she has had a ball with it.


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