Sunday, January 25, 2009

Busy, busy weekend

As a general rule, I am not one to pack a lot of activities into our weekends but this past weekend was just one activity after another. Since we always have such busy weeks, by the weekend I'm usually happy to just do one activity or honestly doing nothing specific at all is often fine with me too. After this past weekend I'm now ready for a break... but once again tomorrow is Monday and yet again the beginning of another busy week. So, what kept us so busy?

IMG_4921 a Friday night I met up with Kathy and a few of the gals in her Moms group. We started our evening with dinner...sort of, as they somehow lost both Kathy and my dinner ticket and by time it was realized it was too late as we had somewhere else to be. We then headed over to Just For Giggles where we spent the evening painting the "Blueberry Tree." It was a lot of fun and seeing all the different variations of the same painting was very interesting and the evening did provide for lots of giggles.

IMG_4978 b Saturday for lunch we met up with John, Ann & Katie at Tasty China to celebrate Chinese New Year. Even though neither of the girls was particularly interested in having their picture taken, both Katie & Maisie looked adorable in their Chinese outfits.

The food was all wonderfully delicious and spicy. Below are a few of our selections.

IMG_4974 c Hot & numbing combination hot pot

IMG_4972 d Kung pao scallops

IMG_4971 e Dry fried eggplant

IMG_4970 f Maisie loves her noodles

IMG_4963 g Katie loves noodles too!

Saturday night I headed over to Kathy's as she hosted a Dove chocolate/chocolate martini night. Chocolate candies, truffles, dipped strawberries & marshmallows, cookies with chocolate and chocolate martinis, O.M.G were those martinis gorgeous!! It was fun spending an evening with the girls whilst enjoying so many wonderful chocolaty treats. No piccies because I was too busy licking the Dove milk chocolate and Aztec dusting powder off the rim of my glass...Did I mention that the martini was awesome!!

tommys party h This afternoon Maisie's friend Tommy celebrated his third birthday. Lots of little friends running around My Gym and monkey cupcakes, a three year old's idea of heaven!! I honestly could have gone for and would have preferred another one of those gorgeous Dove martinis but that will have to wait at least until all the goodies I ordered last night at the party arrive...something to look forward to!

After we arrived home from the party, two of the "big girls" (9 years old) from the neighborhood came over to play with Maisie. IMG_4991 iIMG_4992 jIMG_4994 kIMG_4995 LSydney, Cameron and Maisie had fun playing together out on the deck, playing catch, blowing bubbles and just being little girls. 

It was a very fun weekend but I'm exhausted and ready for bed and a good nights sleep. If you've made it all the way through this post, congratulations and you too deserve a good nights rest...sleep well.


  1. LOL! I didn't get any pictures of the chocolate tasting party either. Too busy drinking and eating chocolate!

    Love the pics you girls painted.

    That food looks scrumptious! Happy CNY!

  2. Wow you did do a lot! I love Maisie's chinese silks. So pretty. I am so glad the girls have a chance to celebrate Chinese New Year. We are going to a party today. I don't think I would have made it at a Dove chocolate party. What in the heck! Talk about centering a party around a vice! I would be rolling out of there. Happy New Year!!

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I love your painting!

  4. Busy but fun, fun weekend!

  5. I love the painting and Maisie is as cute as ever:)


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