Thursday, December 04, 2008


Long Time No Blog

* I can't believe that it's been over two weeks since my last post but waking, napping and going to sleep on Maisie's schedule doesn't leave much time for blogging, computer time or much of anything.

* The weekend before Thanksgiving Kathy, Chani, Maisie and I headed to Chattanooga for a girls weekend and even though I was dragging A LOT, we did still manage to have a good time. Thankfully Kathy tolerated my having to go to bed at 6:30PM and my extremely limited diet of toast, eggs, pancakes and plain pasta, none of which liked staying in me but I didn't dare anything more. Shoot, I didn't even have the energy to take along a camera but Kathy did take lots of piccies and gave a great description of our weekend all of which are on her blog. I couldn't resist nicking the picture of Maisie being held by Santa when we were aboard the Polar Express Train because I was positive she was going to hide when he came over but to my surprise she let him hold her!

* After being home for less than a week, my parents returned to Atlanta the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and we were all happy to see them. Me especially as my Mom has a way with Maisie, turning her into the best behaved girl in the world thus making my life easier.

* I only have 8 more days of antibiotics remaining. A total of 41 days on 5 different antibiotics, holy cannoli!! That along with a myriad of other drugs, never ending steroids and an untold number of pain meds I seem to have become susceptible to every disease out there.

* After nine days of full blown flu symptoms, 10 days in the hospital with pneumonia, 2 1/2 days home then hospitalized for four days with C diff would you believe that 8 days later, two days before Thanksgiving, I managed to get a stinking head cold!

* By Thanksgiving Maisie and Eammon also came down with head colds.

* Needless to say, Thanksgiving was a very laid back casual day with just the three of us and my parents.

* The Saturday after Thanksgiving my parents left us, heading to Aruba. We were scheduled to fly to Aruba the Monday after Thanksgiving but those plans were up in the air as we weren't sure I'd be healthy enough to travel or be away.

Were are we now?? More to come in my next post as my meds have kicked in and my eyes are closing but at least I feel somewhat caught up in my posting and it won't be two weeks before I post again...promise.


  1. How could you leave us hanging like that!? LOL! I hope you have been lounging on the beach in Aruba!

  2. Oh... I hope the worst is all behind you now and you will just continue to get healthier! What an awful time you've had. Maisie looks so cute with Santa. I'm glad you got to get away for a fun little trip... even if you weren't feeling your best. Change of scenery had to have been wonderful!

  3. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Hmmmmm . . . I called yesterday but didn't leave a message. Not that you're home all the time to receive my calls, but anyway, I hoped you didn't answer because you made it to Aruba!

  4. Was just thinking of you moments ago and wondering how you're doing. (Shannon just shared that she'll be arriving home form China on Christams Day and it made me think of you.) Thanks for the update! Glad to hear you're beginning to feel's been a long, long haul for you and your gang. Hope you're 100% soon.

    Can't tell for sure where you are. Hoping it begins and ends with A!

  5. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Hi, Lisa. I am so glad you are feeling better. Thanks for updating your Facebook page so I could find out how you were doing. Please take it easy and rest as much as you can.

    Hope to see you all in January.

    Ilene, Michael & April

  6. Glad to hear from you!

    Mercy, woman, take it easy on yourself until the plague has left the state :0)

  7. So sorry to hear how sick you've been (and Eammon too) I know you have lots of friends helping, but please know that you can call me if you ever need help with anything. I would be more than happy to cook, shop, keep Maisie, or anything you need. You brought me home from the airport when I was a walking zombie, after all ;)

    Maisie's "fashion" is adorable and she is growing like a weed. Take care of yourself--glad you are on the upswing

  8. I am so glad to hear you are getting better. Each day will be better, I hope! Glad to hear you are sleeping. That is the key. Can't wait for your next post.

  9. You can't do that!!! Whats the go?!!!

    You just don't slow down, hey!!! Not even pneumonia slows you down!!!

  10. i really really really hope you are sitting on a beach in Aruba... Ocean water works wonders for head colds :)

    Happy belated Thanksgiving


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