Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Return from the seventh level of Hades

door picc Above are signs that I hope to never see again on the outside of my door or above my my bed!! What a crazy ride this has been but thankfully both Eammon and I are home and feeling better and stronger each day.

I was asked by numerous people if Eammon and I were in the hospital for the same thing and the answer is no. Between us we had three hospital stays for three different reasons. My first ten days in the hospital was for pneumonia. Then Eammon was admitted for three days with a viral G.I. infection that had gone on too long and too far, causing him to be severely dehydrated and having all of his blood levels out of whack. A day after Eammon was admitted I was taken back to the hospital and admitted with C. difficile where I was in an isolation room for four days. Crazy, crazy, crazy I'm telling you, having both of us so very sick at the same time but amazingly and thankfully, Maisie didn't get any of it!!

We are also so very thankful for all the help we received from friends, neighbors, Moms in my Mom group and from my parents. We honestly wouldn't have made it through without all their help so a big thank you to all of them.

Now for some cute Maisie piccies because this blog has focused way too much on me and on Eammon and I being sick so now back to regularly scheduled programming. IMG_4570 Maisie loves snuggling with her Grandma.

Below are pictures of Maisie with our neighbor Mary. The two of them had a fun afternoon together baking and decorating cookies and by the smile on Maisie's face you can see she had a great time.

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And finally a Maisie fashionista photo.IMG_4568Maisie dressed for school Tuesday morning because well, she's just so stinking cute.

Thanks again for all the good wishes, prayers, flowers, cards, calls, emails, blog and facebook comments they really helped make being sick that much easier but now it's back to Maisie, Maisie and more Maisie!!


  1. I am so happy to hear that you are both on the road to recovery.

    Keep smilin!

  2. I'm so happy you are home and well. Take it easy and stay out of the hospital for a very, very long time (like forever!)!!!

  3. Anonymous9:37 PM

    So happy things are getting back to normal. Take care of yourself!

  4. I am so glad you are feeling better! I'll call you tomorrow! :)

  5. So happy to hear that you're home. keep getting better friend.

  6. Geez - I thought you went back in for pnuemonia! You poor thing!

    Not only would it be great never to see those signs again... but never go back to hospital again!!

    :) As always adorable pics of Maisie Mouse.

  7. Glad all is getting better in your household!
    Baking cookies! Very special. Have fun!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  8. So glad you are doing better now. And Maisie couldn't possibly be any more adorable! LOVE her outfit!

  9. I am so glad you are home! She is so darling. Just looking at her will make you feel better.

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    So sorry you both were sick. Feel better!

  11. So happy to hear things are looking up. Take care of yourself.

  12. Always good to see Miss M. guys deserve the gift f good health for a good long time. C Dif...ewww, so sorry about that. That is a ticket to the depths of hades all be itself!

  13. So glad you are doing better! I'm soooo sorry you guys went through that!!

    Lisa :)

    P.S. You have now been tagged if you care to do it. Check out my blog

  14. Both in the hospital at the same time. Yikes! So glad to hear you're on the road to recovery.

  15. yes let's hope you never have to see those stickers again for a long time. Maisie is adorable!!

  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Maisie is really adorable! What a loving family (:

  17. oh my goodness...your horror beats mine hands down. Poor Maisie (shes beautiful by the way. I think the only area of my comedy that beats yours was hobbling on crutches at 10 months pregnant....definitely garnered some stares.


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