Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some people!?!?!

To say that it’s hot here in Atlanta is an understatement.  We’ve been having temps right around 100F with high humidity.  Seriously as soon as you open the door to go outside it’s like someone slapped you in the face with a hot, wet rag.

photo 5eThe temperature reading from my car. 

So yesterday afternoon I headed in-town to attend an Indian cooking class but because I knew there would be a lot of traffic I planned accordingly and actually managed to arrive a little bit early.  I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot, parked and was just checking my email for a couple of minutes before I headed in.  I thought that I saw something moving in the mini-van parked next to me but I didn’t really look over.  Then after about 5 minutes I got my stuff together and started to head in for my class.  But then I saw in that mini-van parked next to me a lone little boy who looked to be about Maisie’s age.  WTF, I realized that he had been what sort of caught my eye when I had pulled in at least 5 minutes earlier and the mini-van was not running and was sealed up tight.  I know that my car, as soon as I turn off the AC and engine it starts getting warm so it must have been HOT in that mini-van. 

I immediately went into the store to get security and right away they, along with an on-site police officer were at the mini-van.  The boy open the doors and was okay but what’s the deal with leaving your kid in a car the temperature of an oven!  Now here’s the kicker…no announcement was made for the owner of the mini-van to come forward nor did the officer have to wait for them to return to the mini-van…NOOO…guess these people are “known” to the officer so he was able to just stroll through the store and find them.  I was just so angry that not only did they leave the boy in the mini-van but that they’ve obviously done things like this before like it’s an okay thing.  Incredible!!  I’m glad that the little boy was okay and I hope that these people will learn to do the right thing before they kill him.  It’s always such a tragedy when I hear of children dying because they’ve been left in a hot car, I just hope that this little boy survives his parents stupidity.

photo (2)e Once my anger settled I was able to enjoy my class.  In this class we learned to make Samosas with both a mint and also a tamarind chutney, Malai Kofta Curry and one of my favorites, Rogan Josh.  It was fun getting my hands “dirty” cooking and once again everything was delicious. 

photo (1)eMalai Kofta Curry…YUM!!

Over the years I’ve made quite a number of Indian and curry recipes and I’ve posted quite a few over on Cook Lisa Cook but I’m now looking forward to trying out the new recipes that I learned in class.  I don’t have anymore cooking classes scheduled but maybe next month I’ll look into taking a Thai class.  I always love learning new recipes and trying new flavors and though I do pretty well, I could always improve on my Thai cuisine.   

IMG_8865e Neither Indian nor Thai, today I posted a lovely Grilled Corn, Avocado & Tomato Salad with Honey Lime Dressing over on Cook Lisa Cook so if you’re looking for a nice summer appetizer or even a side, check it out.  We enjoyed this salad on tortilla chips but I could have just eaten it straight from the bowl, totally delish!

Other recent recipes posted on Cook Lisa Cook: Mango Lassi, Stir-Fried Asparagus with Water Chestnuts, Ginger & Cashews, Curried Roast Chicken Pieces with Spicy Sweet Potato & Carrots, Grilled Corn & Bacon Pudding, Oriental Chicken Salad, Potato Salad with Bacon, Coffee Crusted Steak, Home Style Chicken Curry, Watermelon FrostyMango Gazpacho, Toll House Double Stuff Oreo Brownies, Long Beans with Walnuts, Blacksmith Pizza, Rhubarb Crisp, Laksa, Math Book No Bake Cookies, Aloo Gobi, Mint Lassi, Red Curry Chicken and Lamb Curry.



  1. Holy Smokes, no bother to arrest anyone? Gah.

  2. That makes me so angry, my blood is boiling! I might have taken the license plate number and turned the person in to the real cops (because that on-site officer was a joke)!

    The food looks amazing!

  3. That is an awful story! Except for you, Lisa, you were the hero. Some people are idiots and do not deserve to be a parent.

    Those dishes look yummers!

  4. That makes me sick and furious!!! Good for you for taking action! That poor little boy! I'd be tempted to call the police and report the license plate number if you have it. The officer on duty may not take it far enough if he knew the parents he was looking for.

    Glad you're enjoying your cooking classes!

  5. I am laughing....not at what happened, that is terrible, but we pretty much have the same themed posts today. SOME PEOPLE/ or YOU SAID WHAT?

    Glad you were there.

    Cooking class looks fun!

  6. I remember seeing an episode on CSI where a small kid dies because she is left in the heat of the car and wondered whether parents really do that do their kid- guess they do! They should be made aware how dangerous it is!
    On a different note that food looks great- I am an Indian and pictures like these always transport me back home!


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