Friday, July 15, 2011

Playing with Maya

Maisie hasn’t seen her friend Maya since the last day of horseback riding camp a month ago so she was super excited that they’d be spending the day together today.  Our original plan was to spend the day at the pool but Mother Nature had other plans.  For weeks we’ve had temps hovering around 100F with no rain but on the one day we actually had plans to be out and at the pool it was cool and overcast with intermittent sprinkles…Figures!  The girls were just happy to be together so they played inside for a bit then we did brave the weather and the girls spent an hour in the pool having a blast and being little fishes.  Back to the house for a lunch of dumplings and udon soup and some more playtime and they were two happy little girls. 

IMG_9070eMaya & Maisie were very sweet together.  The girls enjoyed Play-doh, they watched Tangled, did gymnastics, played with toys & sleeping bags and even did a few rounds of hide-and-seek.  I enjoyed chatting with Cecile while the girls played and I hope that we’ll be able to get together for another play date before school starts up again. 

I can’t believe that there are only four more weeks of summer break as Maisie starts back at school on August 15th.  Maisie’s been ready & excited to return to school for about six weeks already so she’s counting the days.  I think that summer is passing too quickly and can’t believe that my wee little girl will be a big second grader.  Oh my, not only is summer passing too quickly but so is time with my little Maisie Miao Miao.  I feel like in a blink of an eye she’ll be heading off to college, all grown up…Not needing her Mama all the time any more. (boohoo)  How do I slow things down???

I do love seeing Maisie grow up, learn, experience new things and become the person she’s going to be but sometimes I can’t kiss and love on her enough, knowing that I’m going to miss these days oh-too-soon. 

Okay, before I get all teary let me switch topics and go to food.  I have a wonderful new salad recipe posted today over on Cook Lisa Cook for a Thai Peanut Salad with chicken.

Thai peanut saladThe salad was quick to put together as I used bagged salad greens, quick to cut up veggies, leftover chicken and a very fast blended dressing.  I hope that you’ll check out the recipe and give it a try.

Other recent recipes posted on Cook Lisa Cook: Mango Lassi, Stir-Fried Asparagus with Water Chestnuts, Ginger & Cashews, Curried Roast Chicken Pieces with Spicy Sweet Potato & Carrots, Grilled Corn & Bacon Pudding, Oriental Chicken Salad, Potato Salad with Bacon, Coffee Crusted Steak, Home Style Chicken Curry, Watermelon FrostyMango Gazpacho, Toll House Double Stuff Oreo Brownies, Long Beans with Walnuts, Blacksmith Pizza, Rhubarb Crisp, Laksa, Math Book No Bake Cookies, Aloo Gobi, Mint Lassi, Red Curry Chicken, Lamb Curry, Grilled Corn, Avocado & Tomato Salad with Honey Lime Dressing and Baked Egg Cups Two Ways.


1 comment:

  1. Cute girls! Sounds like a fun day!

    We had a swim date set up for today too with Bri's friend Matthew. We actually did get in the pool for a bit. It was warm in the pool, but once you got out - yikes it was cold when that breeze was blowing! We finally decided to head back to the house because the kids started shaking. What is up with this crazy weather?


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