Friday, June 10, 2011

Final day of VBS

Maisie thoroughly enjoyed her week of VBS and attending with her friend Maya made it that much more special.  For the final day, the 600 campers (yes 600!) put on a show for their family and friends.  The children sang songs with hand movements and signs, they danced a bit to the music and we watched a video of all the special things that they did over the week.  Maisie had asked to attend VBS with Maya and I really didn’t know if she’d enjoy it but everyone who worked and volunteered did a fabulous job and kept the children engaged and active so Maisie had a blast and is ready to return next summer.

Below are just pictures from their little performance today.  The lighting in the room was  really funky so everyone looks a bit orange so it’s orange memories of VBS 2011.

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Next week is horseback riding camp and Maisie couldn’t be any more excited as she’s been looking forward to it for months.  She’s also looking forward to spending another week with Maya as well as time with Briana & Chani all of whom will also be attending horseback riding camp with her.  It’s going to be so stinking cute those four little girls together! 

This past week I’ve enjoyed a little time to myself as Maya’s Mom Cecile drove the girls each day but starting Monday the jig is up as I’ll be the one driving both Maisie & Maya to and from camp each day.  This past week I was obviously up early with Maisie but I didn’t have to rush to get myself going and dressed but next week I’m going to have to get my tush in gear each morning.  I’m actually looking forward to the week though as the stable is out near where Lisa lives, about an hour from our house, so I’m going to be spending the time that the girls are at camp hanging with Lisa & Kathy so I know we’ll have fun together.  Hey hanging out & drinking coffee “camp” for the Moms, sounds perfect!! 

No new recipe today as we had a busy afternoon, sandwiches for dinner and the dryer finished so I have to get the clothes folded and then I’m off to bed, so time is up for blogging.  If you haven’t already done so, please check out all my newly added recipes over on Cook Lisa Cook

Recently added:  Mango Lassi, Stir-Fried Asparagus with Water Chestnuts, Ginger & Cashews, Curried Roast Chicken Pieces with Spicy Sweet Potato & Carrots, Grilled Corn & Bacon Pudding, Oriental Chicken Salad and Potato Salad with Bacon.



  1. Woot! I am so excited for next week! We will have some girl time. Yippee!

    Cute piccies!

  2. What a great week Maisie, Maya, Brianna and Chani will have! What an awesome week the Mommys will have!! Wish I lived closer and could pop in for some of the fun! Enjoy!!


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