Friday, June 24, 2011

Cooking without cooking

I haven’t been doing much cooking lately as it is hot here in Georgia and if you’ve been reading the blog lately you know that we have been busy-busy so I haven’t had time to cook…and who’d want to turn on the stove anyhow with our heat.  With the heat I haven’t wanted heavy food, we’ve been eating salads like my Oriental Chicken Salad but what I’ve really been craving is some healthy fruity goodness.  I’ve enjoyed sipping on more than a few Watermelon Frosty and Mango Lassi drinks but I’ve been wanting something a bit more savory.  Unfortunately even to “get out of cooking” I’m not a big going-out-to-eat gal and I still have to get dinner on the table each night so when I happened upon a recipe for Mango Gazpacho I was all over it and you should be too as this is healthy-summer-deliciousness in a bowl and best of all, super fast and no cooking!!!

IMG_8661e1Quick, click on over to Cook Lisa Cook and make this no-cook healthy Mango Gazpacho tonight, you’ll thank me!!

If you’re a mango lover like me, also check out my Mango Thai Chicken and Mango Lassi recipes.


  1. Well, I wished you lived next door so that I could try some of yours without having to make it myself. I'm often not keen on mixing fruit and veggies in the same recipe. And I adore regular gazpacho, so it might be hard to make myself prepare a recipe that I'm unsure, yet I am rather curious...

  2. Oh, this looks wonderful! I would so love to make this for dinner tomorrow night, but Greg would never feel like he had a "real" meal without a big slab of meat. :( I do think he'd love your Mango Thai Chicken, though. We'll have to try it sometime soon. I love any kind of fruit on anything!


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