Tuesday, May 03, 2011

One motivated & very happy little girl

Numerous times before I’ve mentioned that Maisie’s a little star when it comes to doing her homework.  From the very beginning she took her homework assignments very seriously. 

IMG_8506a In kindergarten she loved her reading assignments and always went above and beyond reading the books completely through numerous times a day instead of just reading a couple of pages like most of her classmates.  She delighted in getting into the car at the end of her school day and showing me her new book which she would read to me, in entirety, on the drive home. 

IMG_67232Since starting first grade she has developed a wonderful pattern of walking into the house after school and immediately sitting down at either the kitchen counter or the table in her bedroom and completing her homework. 

IMG_5855[2] Even when friends come over

IMG_66211 or when our time-table is tight the first thing that she does is complete her homework.

Recently though the twenty minute drive home is longer than she’s willing to wait to start her work and more days than not she has her folder open and is doing her work before we even make it out of the school parking lot. 

photo (4)Here she is this afternoon during the drive home.  She managed to do 90% of her work during the 20 minute drive so once home she completed the remaining two pages of math problems in mere minutes and was done.  Tuesdays are a free afternoon for us but the weather was cool and rainy so we just stayed in.  I tried to get her to play some games with me or do some crafts but all she wanted to do were some pages in her second grade books because for her, doing school work is good fun! 

Trust me I’m not complaining at all and I hope that she always loves school, learning and doing her work because it will surely make her teen high school years a lot less stressful and considerably more enjoyable for all of us!

We’re down to the final days of first grade, only six school days remaining!!! 

IMG_2169b[3] I can’t believe how quickly this year has passed, I swear that it was just a few weeks ago that she was starting first grade

IMG_6405b a and only a few months earlier kindergarten

MaisieWave.1 Before I know it my little sweetie is going to be a teen…I’m so not ready for her to grow up, I wish that I could stop time and keep her my little cue-ball-cutie-patootie forever. 


  1. I bet all of Maisie's teachers have just wanted to eat her up with a spoon!

  2. I can't believe there are only six days of school left!

    I can't believe Maisie is in first grade!!!

    I can't believe how fast time goes on this side of the wait!!

    Great post! I hope that Z is half as enthused about school as Maisie when he gets older!! ;o)

  3. Ahhh, the amazing Maisie! I know you are so proud of her, Lisa. And wow, I can't believe she is about to be out for the summer. We still have about 6 weeks to go.

  4. Another awesome recipe! Thanks!!!!!

    I can't believe how much she has grown. What an amazingly smart girl!


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