Thursday, May 12, 2011

Last day of first grade

Maisie has had an awesome, wonderful and fabulous year at school and we can’t believe that it’s over already but she’s super excited that she’s no longer a first grader but now, one of Miss. Patti’s second graders!!

IMG_7281e1I look back at the picture from the first day of first grade, a mere nine months ago and I’m blown away at how much Maisie has grown physically, I would say a good two inches.  Funny because when I look back at my last day of Kindergarten post I said the same thing.  I just need to stop time for a while and keep her my baby girl a little while longer.  Even though she’s put on a lot of height this year Maisie’s still in her size 3 uniform shirts which she started wearing in Kindergarten.  She’s also still wearing the skirt and shoes she started wearing back at the beginning of the school year.  No complaints and I’m happy that I’m not running out all the time getting new uniform outfits.

When Maisie started this school year I knew that she would have no problems with the academics but I had some (very) small concerns about her maturity level and how she would do both emotionally and socially as she’s 1.5 - 2 years younger than her classmates.  Even though she thrived in all areas during her kindergarten year, the difference between what is expected in first grade vs. Kindergarten is huge.  Thankfully all my concerns were for nothing as she is just mature beyond her years, her friends are her friends and they accept her as their peer and not as a outsider or a “baby” two years younger.  Maisie holds her own as she has a great sense of self, is confident and secure and no one pulls anything over on her.  I am always a very proud Mama but Maisie continues to exceed what I think she’s capable of doing and daily she lives up to her name, the A-Maisie-ing Maisie Miao Miao.  

IMG_2169b[3]First day of first grade post.

Here’s a little look back at pictures from her previous school year:P5130035aLast day of Kindergarten post

IMG_6405b aFirst day of Kindergarten post.

What’s one new thing for when Maisie starts second grade?  New uniform shirts!  I’m not complaining though as she managed to get two years wear out of her current shirts but I figure that these have served their purpose, have held up and given her great wear but now she’s ready to move up to some size 4’s!! 


  1. that is Awesome!!! wow, has time flown and she's GROWN!!! :)

    Lil M graduates pre-school tonight and will go to Kindergarten in August!! OH MY GOODNESS!! Craziness! :) I love your pics, and will have to start doing that so I can tell just how big she's getting too!


  2. Boy, she is sprouting up!

    I taught second grade for ten years and I just know I would have LOVED LOVED LOVED to be Maisie's teacher. That little girl is something special.

  3. Love seeing how they grow so much during the year. Wish our old school let them wear uniforms like that. They were just normal uniform colors.

  4. Oh my gosh - she looks so tiny last year compared to this year! She has definitely has matured and has had a growth spurt.

    Way to go Maisie! Enjoy your summer!

  5. I like your idea of taking first and last day of school photos! You can really see how much she grew!

    Naomi will also be a year or so younger than her classmates. Nice to see that Maisie is doing so well.


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