Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gymnastics banquet

Who da’thunk that a five year old would have two banquets within three days but that’s just what my little social butterfly had.  Last night was Maisie’s end of year gymnastics team banquet where all the athletes who were on a competitive team last year, along with their families, gathered for a look back and to honor all the great work, effort and achievements that they all put forward and accomplished throughout the year.  Also honored were the coaches, volunteers and parents and then there was a sad and tearful farewell to the graduating Seniors. 

IMG_7524e2My beautiful and oh-so-grown up little girl.  Maisie chose which of her many dressy-dresses she wanted to wear along with the jewelry and shoes.  My part in the outfit was that I required her to wear the sweater as we’ve been having some unseasonably cold temps and her dress doesn’t have any sleeves.   

IMG_7519e1Maisie and teammates Aspen and Mara.

IMG_7531I love this picture of the girls as they have such personality, they love one another and they adore being teammates.  Missing from the picture is Tia and on the drive home Maisie talked about how sad it was that Tia missed the evening and how she wished that she could have been there for all the fun.  I’m so glad that all these girls moved up to USA level 3 together and will have another season together.   (L to R:  Caroline, Savannah, Mara, Maisie, Taylor & Aspen.)

IMG_7530eThe athletes sat at tables with their teammates…not with Mama, she’s getting so grown up…whimper, cry.

IMG_7541e3Last seasons USA Level 2 team being honored.  This was a very young team with the girls being between 4 and 7 years old and they competed and did oh-so-well against teams that were 6 to 9 years old.

IMG_7548eMe with my beautiful chocolate mousse faced girl.

IMG_7551eMy tired chocolate lipped girl with her lip balm and trophy.

It was a fun evening and through all the presentations, speeches, slide shows, picture taking and dinner, Maisie, her teammates and all the athletes were attentive, polite and very mature.  We didn’t arrive home until minutes before 10PM so it was a quick change and into bed for my little, tired, beautiful, princess, banquet loving athlete.


  1. Way to go! You two are so pretty! Love the mother and daughter photo!

  2. Looks like you guys had fun and you both looked beautiful.

  3. Yay Maisie! Love her dress! So pretty!

  4. Maisie looks gorgeous! What a fun night...


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