Saturday, May 21, 2011

Getting the garden planted

This morning the phone rang at 6:57 and it was Steve asking if I was ready to go and purchase some plants.  Considering that it was sometime after 2am by the time I finally got into bed and asleep I was doing good just to be answering the phone.

IMG_7564I was quick though and at 7:15 we were on our way to the nursery and by 8:15 we were home with the truck unloaded with the children helping to even out the mulch.

Back at the beginning of April we had one giant pile of mulch in the middle of the garden.IMG_5888[1]But over the past month Steve, Eammon and even the kids all helped to move the mulch to all the various beds in both yards.

IMG_5886[1]After last years harvest I saved and dried seeds from some of our fruits and veggies and those seeds, Steve and I started this year back the beginning of April.  We just never got around to ordering seeds for the items which we either hadn’t saved seeds for or wanted to add so that’s what we ended up purchasing today.  After seeing the cost difference though we’ll probably be better about saving our seeds for next year or have our act together better and order seed at the appropriate time.

IMG_7569The children, Anne, Steve and I all pitched in to get all the plants in the ground.  It feels like we’re a lot later in getting the plants in the ground this year but I looked back through the blog to see if I mentioned when we planted last year and between our Disney cruise and me being sick I went from blogging about starting our seeds on April 2 to when we had our first official harvest on June 6 without mentioning the garden in-between.

I’m hoping that we have another bountiful harvest this year as we really enjoyed all the fresh fruit, veggies and herb last year.


  1. What a great project for your families to share together. I'm guessing you're neighbours? Love to see the kids enjoying digging in the dirt and helping out!

    It will be fun to watch your seedlings blossom again this year!

    PS - Had to laugh! Now that's a good friend that knows they can call you at 6:57am! :o)

  2. Your yard looks so nice and you fit in a garden! Wonderful!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  3. I think I would kill or seriously maim any neighbor who called at 6:57 AM. Sheesh!

    I love that last picture where both Maisie and Anne appear to be posing for the camera while oblivious of each other.

    Good luck with this year's garden!


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