Thursday, April 28, 2011

Prepared but thankfully not needed

Last night huge tornado filled storms passed through the south causing over 200 deaths.  We spent the evening watching the weather alerts and thankfully we saw the storms come close but skirt around to cities just north and south of us.  This month we have received some crazy huge storms in the area but each time we have been spared the full force of each storm and I’m not complaining. 

tornadosIt’s just crazy the number of tornados that touched down.

IMG_6982 We do not have a basement and we live in a house with seven very large skylights so our only “safe” interior room is our laundry room.  So early last night Eammon and I prepared the best we could in case we needed to take cover.  We put down a mat, had some blankets, a flashlight, hard hats and bike helmets to help protect our heads, Maisie’s old crib mattress and her four panel gymnastics mat to cover ourselves if necessary.  We had our candles, lighters and charged cell phones.  We prepared the best we could and thankfully, none if it was needed.

IMG_6986This morning Maisie went into the laundry room to get her school clothes and she was surprised to see all of her mats and mattress in there.  I’m over all the storms and just ready for some nice summer weather.


WOW, only two days left as I’m at day twenty-eight in my quest to post 30 days in a row as I’m participating in M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days.  I think that I’m going to try and post more often than I have done in recent months as I know that looking back it will be fun to see all these posts.  Please help keep me posting and send along suggestions and ideas on blog topics or things you’d like to know.  Either leave an idea or question in the comments or shoot me an email. Thank you for following along with Moments with Maisie and we love all the comments.


  1. So glad to hear you didn't need all the stuff you prepared. Tornados are so frightening.

    Can you believe we're actually going to make 30 posts in 30 days?!!!! I'm kind of stunned. And will definitely be posting more often now, like you. It kind of gave me a kick in the pants or something.

  2. So glad you guys didn't need your safe room and you are all okay!

  3. The storms were scary last night! One tornado hit Cartersville and that is too close for comfort for me! I'm glad you all are ok.

  4. That's one scary pic!

    So thankful you are safe!! Such weird, scary weather happening! Hoping we've seen the end of all this nastiness for a long, long time!

  5. I am so glad you were safe and sound. These natural disasters have been horrible. Glad you are all okay!!!!


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