Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Like a kid in a candy store

IMG_6751Saturday morning Maisie spied some of the school books that I’d recently purchased and she was so excited to see that they were second grade books she asked if she could start them. I told her that she still had three weeks left in first grade and that the books were for next year but she begged and pleaded.  I figured that the beginning of the books was just review work so I relented and like a kid in a candy store Maisie happily spent the morning engrossed in her new workbooks.  When it was time to head out to the big sisters event she took the books in the car with us and worked on them both on the way to the event and during the drive home.  Then on Sunday afternoon it was the same thing, I couldn’t pry the books away from her.  I love that she adores learning and is excited with her new books but at the rate she’s going she may blow through them before the school year even begins.

SpringFling[10]Day twenty-six in my quest to post 30 days in a row as I’m participating in M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days. Not only is Maisie’s school year almost over but also my month of daily blogging, only four more days!  We’ve been busy as you have read in all the posts so the month has flown by.  I’m not sure how often or infrequently I’ll be blogging next month but please help keep me going and send along suggestions and ideas on blog topics or things you’d like to know.  Either leave an idea or question in the comments or shoot me an email. Thank you for following along with Moments with Maisie and we love all the comments.


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Hello, I'm just a high school student but I like to read your blog occasionally since international adoption is something that interests me! :) I would just like to say that Maisie seems like a very, very bright kid and maybe you should consider letting her jump ahead a grade.
    When I was five years old, I skipped ahead two grades into second grade. It was the right decision for my parents and teachers to make for me at the time and now, in high school, I am glad they did it.
    Just a suggestion I would like to make =) All the best for you and Maisie!

  2. Don't you just wonder what sort of career Maisie will end up choosing? With her love of learning, the sky is going to be the limit!

  3. It's wonderful that Maisie has such an all-round personality and interests. She enjoys participating in activities like gymnastics yet also loves to learn and then cook like Mommy too. Such a well-rouded (and totally adorable!) little girl!


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