Saturday, April 30, 2011

30 posts in 30 days

And not one wordless day!  On this Saturday, my 30th day of posting, we enjoyed gorgeous warm weather and a laid back day.  Eammon worked a bit in the yard and lounged near the water, Maisie played outside in the pool and sunned herself and I cooked, even creating a new and wonderful dish which I’ll blog about soon.  Overall just a lazy easy day.

IMG_7040Maisie just hanging out enjoying the day.

SpringFling[10]I did it, 30 posts in 30 days, WOOHOO!!!  I participated in M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days and I can’t believe that the month is over, it seemed to fly by.  I’m hoping that this little challenge gave me the kick in the tush I needed to get me back on track with my posting.  I honestly enjoyed posting everyday and I found that there was almost always something going on in our lives that I found blog worthy and on those slow days I had the back-up of questions and ideas from readers which was wonderful too.  I still have a few posts in the works so with those and our busy daily lives I hope to continue blogging a couple times a week.  A big thank you again to everyone who has followed along with Moments with Maisie and we appreciate all the comments and emails.


  1. Awe, LOVE that picture of Maisie. What a perfect day. Can't wait to read about your new recipe too!

  2. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Congrats! I've enjoyed the entire month of posts...

    Ilene :)

  3. Congratulations on 30 days!!!!!!

    Now where should we hold the celebration -- Vegas? Hawaii? Disneyland?

  4. Congrats on 30 posts in 30 days! It's been fun travelling along with you!

    Like you I'm going to post more often now. It was a fun challenge.

    Oooo...count me in on the 30 post celebration trip! At least I can go in my mind. :o)


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