Monday, February 14, 2011

My sweet little Valentine

IMG_5214My sweet little Maisie Miao Miao ready to head off to school this morning and not really wanting to have her picture taken, hence the fake smile.

Maisie had a wonderful Valentines day, from school to gymnastics to home.  I totally forgot to bring my camera to Maisie’s little class party but all the children had fun passing out their candy and cards, doing a little craft and eating the cupcakes that Maisie and I made.  Once home from school Maisie’s homework took all of 4 minutes and then she ate a piece of her Valentine’s candy enjoyed a bit of playtime and then we headed off to the gym for her practice.  For snack time at the gym Maisie brought along some of the heart shaped cookies that we made for her teammates to enjoy.  After gymnastics we arrived home at the exact same time as Eammon and about 1 minute before my parents called.  Maisie opened up her card and gift from her Grandparents while on the phone with them and then because it was already late we ate a quick dinner together, opened up our cards and little gifts and then it was bedtime for Maisie.  It had been a busy and sugar filled day so it didn’t take her long to fall fast asleep…and I’m soon to follow.  Hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. 


  1. I wish homework lasted 4 minutes around here..............ugh. It is more like 4 hours. I guess that is what happens when they are in 9th grade.

    Glad you had a great day! She looks great in pink!

  2. What a little doll all dressed in pink. Glad you enjoyed a sweet Valentine's Day.

    (I wish Linlee's school would still allow homemade treats. Everything has to be packaged now. Meh.)

  3. So glad you all had a happy heart day! Maisie looked super cute!


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