Sunday, January 09, 2011

This past week kicked my tush!

After a month off with two weeks in Aruba, returning home a week before Christmas to the mess resulting from one of our hot water lines freezing and bursting during the cold weather and stuff from the affected area all-over-the-house, then Christmas and New Year festivities, contractors in and out making repairs and more mess, along with Maisie and I having month long lingering colds so rough nights of sleep, getting back into the swing of a regular schedule again knocked the two of us O.U.T!! 

Maisie missed her gymnastics teammates and school mates so was happy to return to her activities.  Monday she returned to gymnastics and Tuesday school resumed.  By Tuesday night we were both knackered and crawled into bed together at 7:30 and called it a night.  Maisie’s gymnastics schedule has changed as she is now USA level 3 so instead of two-3-hour practices a week she now has three-3-hour practices each week.  Thankfully the gym is Maisie’s favorite place in the world and would spend 7 days a week there given the opportunity. 

On the Sunday before Maisie returned to her activities, Steve, Anne, K, A, Maisie and I headed into Atlanta for one last day of fun.  First we stopped for lunch at an Atlanta institution, The Varsity

photo1Maisie enjoyed a rare treat of onion rings and a hot dog.

photo (2)aA, K & Maisie, three good pals.

Next we headed to the Fernbank Museum.

photo (3)aMaisie enjoyed the water exhibit and they had this cool looking “waterfall” which you walked through right at the entrance.  

photo (4)aMaisie always enjoys when she can sit at a computer and play.

photo (5)aMaking huge bubbles.

photo (7)aWe ended our day at the museum by watching Mysteries of the Nile at the IMAX theater.  I love how Maisie just folded herself up in the seat.  We both really enjoyed the film and while Anne & K were getting a little queasy when we “felt” like we were flying, Maisie and I thought it wicked cool.

This past week Maisie received her report card and I’m so proud of my little girl as she’s doing oh-so-well in school and the fact that she loves it and looks forward to attending each day, well that’s the icing on the cake!



By the end of the week we were finally back in the groove but man was it hard and tiring trying to get there. 

We’re expecting a big snow and ice storm tonight into tomorrow and the snow has already begun.  School tomorrow has been cancelled so now we get to enjoy a nice long weekend together.   Maisie will now have another short week at school and then next Sunday she and I are heading down to Orlando for her classes at Disney, thus another off-schedule week.  I have a feeling that the next few weeks will be kicking my tush all over again but in the end, I’m having a great time with my best girl so tired we’ll be.


  1. Congrats to Maise on being a level 3 now. Maddie moved to level 4 and is now there 4 days a week. Maise did great on her progress report as well!

  2. Well, I don't know how you manage during a regular week, let alone crazy weeks. Your schedule always seems packed compared to ours.

    Congrats to Maisie for moving up in gymnastics and getting such a fabulous report card. She is one special little cookie!

  3. I haven't been to Fernbank in so long. I need to get Bri over the sometime!

    You are going to have so much fun in Disney! I can't wait to hear the reports!

    Hope you are staying warm!


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