Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowcation ~ Day 4

Our day started at 12:02am when Maisie awoke starving and begging for dumplings.  So it was dumplings at midnight!

IMG_4974bMaisie ate the four dumplings on her plate…and five more before saying she was full and ready to go back to bed.  Unfortunately she wasn’t able to go right back to sleep so she read for a while and then finally around 2:30am she fell back asleep…No wonder I’m tired all the time!

We “slept-in” until about 8am and then K & A came over to play while Steve and Anne ventured out to her office to pick up a few things.  They returned home and said that the roads were still quite bad with huge patches of ice and turning lanes completely iced over.  I needed to run out to pick up our tickets for Disney and Steve was kind enough to drive me as he has a mambo 4-wheel drive SUV which is a lot safer on the roads than my Prius.  Once home again everyone ate lunch and then the children went out to play in the snow.

IMG_4985Steve built an awesome igloo and the kids had a blast slipping in and out of it on the ice.

IMG_4980Maisie peeking out.

IMG_4987Maisie inside the igloo.

IMG_4994Hard to believe that this is Atlanta…and that the kids are so big.  When did they grow-up and how do I stop this???  

IMG_5008Playing in the back yard throwing chunks of ice onto the frozen pond and watching them smash and slide.

IMG_5016Once inside it was time for over the top hot cocoa. 

IMG_5021Whipped cream, regular marshmallows, gingerbread men marshmallows, chocolate syrup and jimmies, yummy!

IMG_5027Maisie’s bed was turned into a fort.

IMG_5031Then it was time for popcorn and a movie.  They all enjoyed watching Singing in the Rain and especially the “Make them Laugh” skit.    

IMG_5035No day is complete without a little dress-up.

School is cancelled for tomorrow and next week we’ll be at Disney.  All in all Maisie will be away from school for 17 days…it’s going to be rough when it’s time to go back again.  I have really enjoyed all this time off and being housebound but I am looking forward to the warmer temps of Florida next week.


  1. I can't believe you made Maisie dumplings at midnight. I might have said (if I was feeling generous). "Here is a PB&J, now hop back in bed." LOL! You are a very nice mommy.

    Boy, it looks like the kids are enjoying their snow days. I can't believe you guys down south have so much snow. We have warmer temps and rain again. Boo.

  2. Hi, Lisa! This is Kelly at Something Shiny. Just wanted to let you know that you won the Penzeys giveaway! Email me at somethingshiny at frontier dot com with your mailing info, and I'll send your spices out right away!

    :) Kelly

  3. **HAPPY (belated) NEW YEAR!**

    Man! MAISIE is absolutely stunning! (and SO BIG!) I'm sure it wasn't that long ago that I visited... and she seemed so much younger!!! (truth be known it was over a year ago?!!!)

    BEAUTIFUL pictures!

    :) Lee-Anne

  4. What a fun day!!! You have as much snow as us. That is just weird.

  5. This is NOT the year to come visit you!! I can't believe that your snowfort is bigger than ours right now :)



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