Sunday, November 21, 2010

A turns six

Saturday we celebrated A’s 6th birthday with a fun birthday bash at his house.

IMG_4243A K & Maisie waiting for the guests to arrive.  (Tiff, notice the ever present book in her hand)

IMG_4241The back yard was set up with the party table and lots of games for the children to play.

IMG_4271Maisie took her job of making name tags very seriously.

IMG_4289Maisie running to give nametags to those who snuck by without putting one.

IMG_4319There were bouncy ball races.

IMG_4373Steve showing off his egg juggling skills.

IMG_4382Egg on a spoon race.

IMG_4397Maisie not taking her eyes off that egg as she walks along.

IMG_4424Maisie hopping high in the potato sack race.

IMG_4519All the party-goes together in a rare still moment.  

IMG_4543A blowing out his candles on the ice cream cake that Steve made.

IMG_4581After the party ended and all the little party goers went home it was just a few of us hanging out, eating, drinking and listening to Tim play some great music

IMG_4575Rod played along too and it was a fun and relaxing evening.

IMG_4566Maisie cuddling with me and relaxing to the music.  It was a fun party and a great evening. 

IMG_4593Today was another gorgeous day, sunny and mid-seventies, hard to believe that it’s the end of November!!  Steve and Anne took the kids out in the boat, another fun day.

Tomorrow my parents arrive and Maisie can’t wait to spend the week with them so it should be a fun week.


  1. I clicked on your link for him and WOW..I would love to buy one of his CDs when they are available. Your weekend looked FUN..enjoy your week with your parents and then ARUBA!!
    Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Anonymous12:36 AM

    I loved your bento blog. Does Maisie no longer eat Bentos?

  3. You are the most fun people I know....and you KNOW the most fun people too!

  4. I agree about you all being the most fun people! LOL! What a fun party. I noticed Maisie has on 2 different colored shoes... always the fashionista that girl. :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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