Monday, November 08, 2010

Party Party

Another busy weekend for little Miss Maisie and oh was it fun.  Saturday little social butterfly Maisie had two birthday parties to attend.  The first was for our next door neighbor K who turned 8 years old and the second party was for April who turned five.

IMG_3677Maisie gave K a fun heart shirt which matched hers and K couldn’t wait to put it on and wear it for her party.  The two looked so very cute together.

IMG_3679K’s party started with dessert, (all parties should start with dessert!) an awesome and delicious ice cream cake which Steve made.

IMG_3705Birthday girl K ready to blow out her candles.  Happy 8th birthday K!!

IMG_3684Ice cream cake makes Maisie smile. 

IMG_3717A wasn’t in the mood to have his picture taken so I had to sneak this one and no smiles.

IMG_3718All the party-goers enjoying the ice cream cake.

IMG_3725After the cake it was time to burn some energy so a bit of limbo.

IMG_3743Followed by a few rounds of freeze dance.   Too bad that those inconsiderate next door neighbors didn’t plan better when they decided to have a new roof put on…oh wait that’s our house getting a new roof.  As I said it was a busy weekend.

IMG_3768 After the girls got all the wiggle giggles out it was time to prepare their lunch. 

IMG_3770The girls were divided into two teams, not so that they could compete but so that they all had the opportunity to help prepare the meal.   K with her group.

IMG_3771Maisie with her group.  Anne got all the girls matching aprons and they all looked cute wearing them.

IMG_3775Ann did a nice little cooking lesson and explained all the ingredients and equipment and instructed the girls on how to prepare all the food.  The girls all had fun cutting, stuffing, preparing and tasting and everyone enjoyed taking part and participating.

Unfortunately once the shells and string beans were prepped and just in the oven it was time for Maisie and I to leave as we had an hour long drive to get to April’s party.  During the drive Maisie fell fast asleep and when we arrived at April’s party she wasn’t totally awake or ready to participate right away so we watched the other children.

IMG_3782The party was at a Tae kwon do place and April did a great job listening to the instructor and doing the drills.    

IMG_3785We watched for a while and then it was pizza time.  The pizza was huge, all the children and adults ate off of it and I think that half was still left over…and it was delicious too, just like the pizza of my childhood and how I wish I had some tonight.

IMG_3786After the pizza Maisie was ready to jump in and participate.

IMG_3794She’s never done Tae kwon do and she really got into it, paid good attention to the instructor and really enjoyed the activity.

IMG_3800April getting ready to break a board.

IMG_3803She does it!

IMG_3805Maisie getting ready for her turn to break a board.

IMG_3818There she goes and she too breaks her board.   Funny that after she broke it she looked at her hand for a bit and then at the board and I think she was surprised that she did.

IMG_3833After the board breaking the children did some forward rolls followed by hits and kicks of various kinds. 

IMG_3836April really got into everything that they asked her to do, she really enjoyed her party.   

IMG_3844There was also ducking under and jumping over things and Maisie loves to jump.

IMG_3849After all that exercise it was time for cake.  Happy 5th birthday April!!

IMG_3853They sure had a unique way of cutting the cake.

IMG_3860Maisie on a sugar high playing soccer with a balloon.

IMG_3863High kicking and having a blast.

IMG_3864Maybe a headstand…hey there was mat so why not?

IMG_3871April and Maisie, two cutie patooties.    

It was a fun day and after the hour long drive home we stopped in next door as Maisie wanted to see K & A again but I was ready for bed so our visit was brief.  Maisie was very tired too because when we got home and crawled in bed she was asleep within minutes. 

Happy birthday K & April and thanks for inviting us to your parties and sharing your special days with us.


  1. What two super fun parties! And that pizza was so huge!

    Happy Birthday to both K and April!

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Lisa and Maisie,

    Thank you again both for coming to April's party - she is so glad you both came. She did have a ball. I think when I get better, we're going to go back to that pizza place. I missed having some. Michael and April are still eating the leftovers.

    Ilene :)

  3. What a great idea to have the girls cook their own lunch. I'm going to keep that in mind for a future party someday.

    My, my, your little party girl had a busy schedule this weekend. Wonderful pictures. I think it must be super fun to be Maisie! :)

  4. What a fun day! I wish I could go to two parties in one day. I haven't been to a friend b-day party in years. I guess you stop havin gparties when you are old.

    Love the matching shirts!

  5. Matching shirts, ice cream cake, pizza? Okay, this is my FANTASY birthday party!!


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