Sunday, October 17, 2010

Maisie turns five!!!

IMG_3217Today my beautiful Maisie Miao Miao turned five years old.  It’s difficult for me to think that she’s five years old already but in so many other ways when I see how smart, talented, athletic, independent, self assured, feisty, opinionated, demanding, lovable and such an all around great child she is, I wonder how she can be only five.  No matter how old, she’s the best daughter I could have ever imagined or hoped for and she’s the light of my life.  I look forward to every day with her, experiencing life with her and I look forward to seeing what her future holds…but not too quickly mind you.

After our busy day yesterday and a bit of a late night it was nice that Maisie slept in a bit…until 7:15am!  Maisie awoke in a great mood and the first thing she told me was that she was five years old and to look at how much bigger she was, she was so animated and funny.  Then we snuggled in bed for almost an hour just talking and spending time together.  Once we got up I made breakfast and while she was eating she got a birthday call from my parents.  So while on the phone with Grandma, Maisie opened the card and gift that they sent and was in love with the Beauty & the Beast DVD but that sort of ended the call as Maisie couldn’t wait to call K & A to have them come over to watch it with her.   Before I called Anne to see if K & A could come over Maisie did open her other presents but that was a quickie as seeing her friends was top of her to-do list.

IMG_3068A was involved in his own thing but K came right over, still in her PJ’s and she and Maisie cuddled on the sofa together and watched the movie.

By the time the movie ended we just had enough time for the girls to have some pizza for lunch and then we were off to the gym for Maisie’s party.  This is the third year that we’ve had Maisie’s party at the gym and since they do such a good job with the children and it’s Maisie’s favorite place to be and it’s no work for me, it’s win-win-win all around.

IMG_3070A princess cake for my little princess.  Another winner for us is the Costco cake, gotta love a chocolate cake filled with cheese cake mousse and sweet frosting and how kind of their designers to have five points on the crown, a perfect place for five candles for my little five year old!

IMG_3075K & Maisie before the party started.

IMG_3076Best pals!

IMG_3081Briana, K, Maisie and Aspen.

IMG_3084Lining up for the obstacle course.  Maisie, K, Aspen, A, April, Mara, Katie & Briana.

IMG_3109April bouncing high.

IMG_3114Briana, Katie & Leah waiting for their turn on the trampoline.


IMG_3123Aspen, Maisie, K, Savannah, Caroline & Mara.


IMG_3138 K ready to vault.

IMG_3139A at the vault.

IMG_3165Maisie love, loves, loves the rings but since it’s not a girl’s event she almost never gets to play on them so when she has the opportunity she takes full advantage of it and has a blast.

IMG_3162Leah spinning on the rings.


IMG_3173Johnny helped to lift Maisie out of the foam pit! 

IMG_3181Maisie up for a straddle dismount.

IMG_3186All the party-goers in the foam pit.

IMG_3195Maisie with her birthday medal doing her gymnastics salute with attitude!

IMG_3201All the children with their medals.  Back row:  Caroline, Leah, K, Aspen, Mara & Savannah.  Front row:  Gracie, A, Andrew, April, Maisie, Katie & Briana.

IMG_3222After their time doing gymnastics it was time for cake.  Maisie was adamant that she only wanted cake this year, no pizza, no “real” food, just cake, so that’s what we had.  Aspen and Maisie decided that they were going to share a chair together so the two of them blew out the candles.

IMG_3237My princess birthday girl.


IMG_3226Gracie obviously enjoyed the cake!

IMG_3227Leah and her toothless grin.










After the party we came home and Maisie was immediately over playing with K & A so Anne and I visited as the children played.  Anne fed them all a dinner that was thankfully free of sugar and then it was bath and bedtime and my very tired freshly minted five year old was sound asleep just minutes after 7PM.  We had a great four days of celebrating and Maisie enjoyed everything that we did but we’re all keyed up and on a major sugar high so tomorrow begins the detox, no sugar or candy until Halloween…that sugar was fun while it lasted!!   And for the record, at bedtime tonight Maisie let me know that today was another awesome, spectacular day.  Love my big five year old girl!!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Maisie!!! Ro and Ree send huge birthday hugs and (of course) think that October birthday girls are THE BEST! :-)

    Huge hugs to mama also. Dang, five seems to have snuck up, hasn't it?
    They're all getting so big I can barely stand it. It makes me kind of weepy.

  2. Happy Birthday Masie..
    I can not believe she is 5 already..Your weekend looked like a lot of FUN!!!

  3. What a fun par-tay! Briana had a blast per usual. And Doug enjoyed the cake I brought home to him. :D I can't believe Miss M is 5. Where did the time go? Sigh.

  4. Looks like she had the best birthday week ever! LOL! That gym party looks like high energy fun too!

    Happy Birthday Maisie!!

  5. I echo all the commentors: How has this happened?? It doesn't seem real that Maisie is already 5.

    Happy Birthday sweet Maisie! It sounds like you had a great birthday weekend!


  6. Happy Birthday Maisie! I hope that 5 is a wonderful year!

  7. Happy Birthday! Wow... sounds like it has been a specatular 4 days of celebrating fun!

  8. She is so grown up! Five years old! Beautiful pictures of the perfect party!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  9. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Follower of your blog for a while! Happy Birthday Maisie!

    I was wondering if you had any family traditions with Maisie near/on her birthday - in regards to her birthmother?

    I always like to read those stories too!

  10. Happy B-day! Hey, I love that she wanted me it is REAL food. It looked so good!

  11. Happy Happy Birthday Miss Maisie!!! Looks like you had a wonderful party with lots of great friends.

    Lisa, I just can't believe she is already 5! What an amazing little girl you have. :)

  12. What a fun birthday bash! Phew! I needed a nap after reading about it!

    I can't believe your baby is five! Hee hee...Seems like only yesterday I was photoshopping hair on her referral photo! :)

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  13. Wow, what an awesome day little Miss Maisie had. You have one beautiful five year old on your hands. :)

  14. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Happy birthday, Maisie. Sorry I wasn't at your party. April had such a great time there. She told me that she actually let go into the foam pit this year - she was so proud of herself. I am glad you had such a wonderful party with all of your friends. Have fine being five - April can't wait to see you at her party next month.



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