Thursday, October 07, 2010

K’s musical

Tonight Maisie and I went to watch K in her school production of Cinderella Kids.   I haven’t been to an elementary school musical in decades, probably not since I was in elementary school but tonight I sat there grinning ear-to-ear watching K and all the other students have so much fun performing.

IMG_2509A and Maisie playing with her Leapster while waiting for the show to begin.

IMG_2510Anne, A & Maisie

IMG_2519They didn’t allow videos or pictures to be taken during the show because of copyrights and whatnot  but K had fun and sang her little heart out.  Here’s K looking beautiful with some of the other chorus members.

IMG_2528After the show Maisie couldn’t wait to get to her friend and give her a big hug.

IMG_2532K, Maisie & A behind the beautiful Cinderella’s coach which Steve made!

IMG_2533K, Maisie & A, three little cutie-patooties.

IMG_2534The three Musketeers!

IMG_2499I forgot that I took this picture yesterday morning and I love what Maisie choose to wear to school.  It all matches and fits in with her uniform requirements of any color plaid skirt and monogrammed polo shirt but it’s her personality. 

(Tiff, I know that you know what book she’s reading as she carries it with all.the.time!!!  She’s one funny little girl.)  


  1. Oh I could just die for that cute 100%-Maisie outfit. Adorable!!!

  2. LOL...literally! I guess I didn't realize she always carries her B.O.M. with her. So funny! We've started reading every morning, and Maisie will be happy to know, Eliza is quite enthralled with the book too! Two little peas in a pod! LOL!!!


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