Sunday, August 08, 2010

Sunday fun

IMG_2109K, Maisie and A spent the entire day today together.  It was a day filled with riding their bikes & scooters, gymnastics, running around together both inside and out, dancing, games, popsicles and just being kids!  By the end of the day there were three sweaty exhausted little ones ready for bath and bed time.  Maisie was sound asleep within five minutes of getting in bed, a highly unusual thing for my little girl who usually spends an hour or more singing, talking and bouncing around.

This coming week is our last of summer break…boo hoo.  Last week we did get Maisie’s hair cut and she of course looks adorable!!  We also tried on her uniforms from last year and everything still fits, in fact all her skorts fit better as they don’t have to be cinched in as much as before.  I did get her a couple of pairs of shorts and one pair of pants so she is set for the school year.  Sad thing is, she’ll be the only 1st grader still wearing size 2 bottoms!  I have a few more items from Maisie’s school shopping list to pick up and then on Thursday we have her open house.  Maisie can’t wait to see her classmates, her classroom, her teacher Miss. Lisa and to see which desk will be hers, oh the excitement of things to come!


  1. The fun of preparing to go back to school and see friends and teachers! I remember it well.

    Enjoy your last week of summer together. We're in a similar boat here as mommy goes back to work next week. Squeezing as much fun into this week as humanly possible!

  2. Oh, Linlee would love to play umbrellas with those kids!

    Can't believe your little peanut is headed off to first grade next week. First grade!

  3. I wish my pants from last year still fit.

    Good luck with the first day of school!


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