Friday, June 25, 2010

Where did the week go?

How is it Friday already and where has this week gone?

Monday morning I awoke to find an email from Kathy asking if we were free to meet for lunch. As it happened we had a couple of free hours between our morning plans and Maisie's gymnastics practice so we met up at a sushi/Chinese place. Maisie was full of I-don't-know-what, I think some teenager and their sassy attitude invaded her body so it wasn't fun at the beginning but once the girls ate and then sat next to one another things were much better as they were happy and played so in the end it was a nice little lunch and fun to catch up with Kathy as it's been ages since we were last together. Just cell phone piccies but look at these two little cutie-patooties!

Maisie of course has had a week filled with gymnastics, two days of practice and two days of camp. Poor little girl has spent so much time on the bars and rings that she has not only callouses on her tiny hands but a big blood blister in the center of her palm. Thankfully she's not complaining about it and she says it doesn't hurt but I can't even look at it without getting queasy. Also making me queasy this week is I've been gathering estimates from roofers to have our roof, gutters and seven skylights replaced, oh my gosh!!

Next week is going to be a super busy and I am already beyond stressed just thinking about it, so much so that by the time I get Maisie into bed, I'm emotionally and physically done for the day and have been crawling in there at the same time. Maisie has her usual activities but in addition I have two days at the hospital for some pretty intense and invasive tests. I am so ready to just get away from doctors, hospitals and test and am counting the days (13) until Maisie and I fly off to Salt Lake City where I can forget about all that is going on and just enjoy spending time with friends.

To end on a more positive note, our garden is growing like nobodies business and we're easily pulling 6-12 cukes a day, we have hundreds of tomatoes starting, the zucchini and spinach is coming fast and furious and this weekend I'll be making hopefully, a nice lasagna using both of them. I can't get over how big our pumpkins are already and though we probably already have 150 good sized butternut squash on the vines, more baby ones are starting. I've counted at least a dozen melons already and I bet that within the next two weeks we'll be eating our first. Our string beans have started really vining up their bamboo so it won't be long now until those come in and the eggplant and pepper plants have flowers so we should be seeing some of those soon too. Tim just dropped off a grape vine, some blackberry and I think raspberry or huckleberry bushes so those will be in the ground this week. Our watermelon seems slow but I've now spotted a couple of tiny thumb-sized fruits and can't wait for those babies to come in. Thank you to everyone who sent along zucchini recipes and links for recipes, some look really awesome and I know with all the plants and how they're producing, I'm sure to try out a few of them.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and don't forget to enter my Bento book giveaway over on Maisie Eats Bento.


  1. What adorable gals! And oh my goodness that sushi looks amazing!

    Yay to the awesome garden! Boo to all the testing.

    See ya tonight!

  2. Those two little friends are darling.

    Lisa, I'm so sorry you are feeling anxious about the medical tests. I wish they were over too!


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