Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sunday with friends and in the garden

We had a great day filled with food and friends.  Our day actually started quite early as Maisie was up and ready to start her day at 6:30 am and she was having no part of going back to sleep or allowing me to sleep in.  She and I headed out to pick up some fresh bagels as Ilene, Michael & April were going to be coming over for brunch.  Once back at the house we played a little outside and checked out the garden before I had to head in and do a bit of cooking.  Once K & A awoke (at a respectable hour mind you) Maisie went next door to play for a bit before our guests arrived.

Michael, Ilene and April arrived for brunch and we had a nice time together eating, chatting and watching the girls play and have fun with one another.

Maisie and April had a blast playing together.  They colored, did gymnastics, played in the kitchen, with the trains & Lincoln logs and of course dress-up.  It was a fun morning and great to spend time together.

After our brunch and some nice playtime it was time for April and family to head off to see Grandma and we had afternoon and dinner plans at Steve & Anne's.  So we headed next door for more food and time with friends.  Anne made one of my favorites, her version of P.F. Chang's lettuce wraps, total yum!!  We also took all the children into the garden to make our first official harvest from the garden that Steve and I started from seed back in April.

Maisie, A & K picking the first cuke from our garden.

Peyton, Lily, Maisie, K & A with the first picked cuke and ready to harvest more.

Maisie showing off the spinach she picked.

Happy farmers with their bounty.

The back yard garden contains broccoli, Jimmy Nardello's peppers, jalapeno, habanero and Italian sweet peppers, pumpkins, butternut squash, a variety of slicing, plum, grape and San Marzano tomatoes, yard long beans, malabar spinach, Japanese & white eggplant, carrots, bush & sangria watermelon,  passport melon and possibly a few other items which I'm forgetting. We are trying to be very natural with our garden and we're using bamboo as our stakes for all our vining plants. Right now the bamboo is only in for the spinach and cucumbers but soon will be in place for all the veggies that need it.

The melon & squash bed.  Pumpkin, butternut squash, sangria watermelon, early gala melon and passport melon.  In another bed off to the left is the zucchini, as well as beds containing basil, cilantro, rosemary, mint and oregano.

Look at that adorable butternut squash!!

Malabar spinach, which when it gets a little bigger will start vining up the bamboo.

We're going to be eating a lot of cucumbers.

The zucchini  is coming!

Steve pointing to our first pumpkin, very exciting!! We are all going to have a blast harvesting from our garden and hopefully growing and picking the veggies will encourage not only the children but all of us to eat more veggies.  I know that Anne and I are going to love coming up with new and interesting recipes incorporating all the fresh ingredients.


  1. I love seeing other people's gardens though I admit I get "garden envy" ;) Ours is so full of weeds and not nearly as far along as yours considering we're so far north but we're still just as excited to start harvesting and eating all the goodies!!

    I am interested to know how you were able to get San Marzano tomatoes!! We buy canned ones but I've never been able to find them to grow them. They are so yummy!

    Happy Growing!!

  2. Wow. Are you kidding me? You are picking already? Wow. The garden looks fab. I am totally impressed!

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    That is really cool. And sangria watermelon sounds delicious!

  4. Holy cow, I am impressed with that garden! You and your friend must have such a green thumb. I wouldn't even know how to start (and not sure I have the commitment). The only thing I've got going is strawberries and it's been so cold up here, they aren't close to ripe yet.

  5. We have two kinds of eggplants, onions, a couple of different tomatos, several peppers, sweet potatos, squash, watermelon and a bunch of herbs in the new raised beds. I had cauliflower and broccoli earlier. We ran out of room but I need to add some things once I can find out where to put them. We have three blueberry bushes that went in last Fall and are producing. I wanted to add grapes but didn't get that far this year. I have a list of things to add over the next year! But it won't be anywhere as large as your lovely space. Good for you guys!


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