Sunday, April 25, 2010

29 hours, five airports and the journey continues

Let me start with, Maisie and I had a super-awesome-wonderful-fabulous trip and once we finally make it back home to Atlanta and get a bit of rest, organized and all the pictures and videos sorted I'll blog all about our adventures. Our journey home has taken a bit longer than expected but not as long as it has for many who were affected by the volcano dust plume and trust me that we met a lot of them who have been stuck for a week already trying to get back to their homes.

Before we ever left on our cruise I had contacted the airline as I had my doubts that we'd make our connection in JFK as we only had 1:50 minutes to clear immigration, customs, security and get on our connecting flight but American Airlines assured me that it was plenty of time and that it was a "valid" connection. Of course leaving Barcelona 1:30 minutes late and not making up any of the time during the flight and then finally getting off the plane with only 15 minutes before our flight was due to leave...well I knew it wouldn't happen. So we got to stand in a long queue to be told that our missed flight was the last out of JFK to Orlando for the day (which I already knew) and that they had already re-booked us to fly out of LaGuardia in 2 hours time to Orlando via So I let my parents and Eammon know of the change, grabbed an empanada and a coffee to go and Maisie and I were put in a limo and off we went. We were happy to make it out of NYC and we're still hoping that our luggage makes it too...sometime in the near future! Our total travel time from the time we boarded the Disney shuttle to the airport in Barcelona to the time we walked into my parent's home was just over 29 hours, oh so reminiscent of our travels home from China...but that was a mere four airports.

I had hoped to drive the 7+ hours from my parents home back to Atlanta today but during our travels I only had about 30 minutes of sleep so I'm completely knackered. Then to top it off, there are severe storms happening so we're spending another night in Florida, hoping that our luggage arrives and being well taken care of by my parents.

Maisie cruise Cell phone piccie of Maisie at the initial sail-away party. That tiara you see was on her head the entire cruise as Maisie just LOVED being a little princess and ate it up that everyone knew her name...Princess!


  1. Oh my, you must be EXHAUSTED. Glad you are back safe (well, almost) and can't wait to hear all about the trip!

  2. The minute I saw the volcano I thought about you! I was worried that you would be affected by it (plane wise). I'm glad you are at least back in the states now!

    Can't wait to hear about the cruise adventures!

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back. Thought about you guys for the two weeks. Can't wait to hear about the cruise and your travels.


  4. Hope my girls get home safely soon. This house seems very big and lonely without you. See you soon. love Baba

  5. I can only imagine how tired you must be!!!! Wow, what a trip. I can't wait to hear all about it. Maise looks happy. I hope all the adventure totally and completely makes up for the serious travel time....I am sure it will!


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