Saturday, February 06, 2010

Chinese New Year Lion Dance

Today we met up with friends Lisa, Doug & Briana, Kathy, Matt & Chani, Liene, Lane, Eriks & Emi and Angela, Jay, Laney & Halee up in Chattanooga Tennessee at the Creative Discovery Museum where they were celebrating Chinese New Year.

Maisie, Chani & Briana all looking adorable and waiting for the Lion Dance to begin.

It was fun watching the Lion Dance. Right at the beginning when the drum sounded and the Lion moved, it startled so many of the children and you can hear the crying right away.

Each time that we've visited this museum, one Maisie's favorite things has been painting on the computer and this time was no exception.

Of course running around and playing with Briana is top of the hit list too. Photo by Lisa & Doug.

Hugs goodbye, always so cute! Photo by Lisa & Doug.

A rare photo, Eammon, Maisie and I together. Photo by Lisa & Doug.

If you thought that Maisie's outfit looked familiar, you're correct as you've seen it before. Here she is wearing the same one back in December 2006 at the White Swan but now the size 2 finally actually fits her. This piccie is from the day that we attempted to take Red Couch photos but Maisie wanted nothing to do with that and in this picture was done with having her picture taken. Guess she hasn't changed much in these 3+ years as she still has little tolerance for having her picture taken ;-)

It was a really fun day as it's always a blast to get together and spend time with friends.


  1. Looks like fun and I love the outfits! Amazing that Maisie can still wear her size 2! But I'm not too surprised since my 5.5 year old can still wear size 2 also (except that she's a very tall size 2).

    I need to look online and find out what's going on in San Francisco for Chinese New Year. That's usually what we do. Hopefully it won't be raining!


    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  2. We had such a fun time! So good to see you as usual. We need to do it again next year! :)

  3. How fun! Made me wish I still lived in Knoxville so I could have come to meet you all there! Rachel loved the video and is now begging to me to play it again. And again!

  4. Happy Chinese New Year!!! Love your outfits. You and your hubby look great. I think that is great that she can wear that outfit that you bought those years ago!

  5. Had a great time. It was great seeing you and as always, seeing the girls together.

  6. I'm sorry, but who is the fella looking over Maisie's head in your family pic?!!! LOL!


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