Friday, January 15, 2010

Where does the week go??

Since we were away in December, Maisie didn't receive her report card until our return. She is still doing very well in school and her teacher's comments said that "Maisie continues to be a joy in class, is a very hard worker and is extremely bright." And even though her handwriting is completely legible, it's not always the neatest so her teacher commented that "Maisie's handwriting will continue to improve as she matures and that Maisie could benefit from working with small manipulatives to help strengthen her hand muscles." Maisie continues to love school and we're so pleased that she's happy and doing so well.

Listening to her teacher's suggestion and to help Maisie develop more strength in her hands, she and I have spent more time coloring, we've increased our play with small beads, we're playing more with play-do and we've started playing with fuse beads which Maisie just adores and has wanted to do again since she first tried them at Pete & Sam's home in England.

For the moment we have given up on the idea of Maisie sleeping in her own bed and since she's been allowed to sleep in bed with me each night, she's been sleeping through the night and we're both getting some good rest. Naps with her are hit or miss but everyday after school we do quiet time where she's in bed and allowed to have some books with her. This week though, each day she's ended up falling asleep and oh how I love when the girl naps!

Maisie and I have had a full week of school, gymnastics practice, home school, our new craft time and of course playtime with friends. We haven't seen Lisa & Briana in months so it was great to meet up with them as well as Liene & Emi at an inflatable jumping place where the little girls all had fun playing and the Moms had a good time chatting and catching up.

Also this week I caught up with some friends whom I haven't spoken with since at least Thanksgiving, if not longer. It seems with the holidays, all our travels and every ones busy schedules, the time just gets away and weeks or months pass without us finding a time to chat so it was great to catch-up again. Kathy was one of the people whom I caught up with via phone this week and when she told me about all that she had planned for the year with her bow shows and numerous trip it got me motivated to get another trip on our calendar. So now Maisie and I have a Salt Lake City trip planned for July and then all three of us are going on another cruise. In September we'll be heading to Grand Cayman, Isla Roatan as well as repeat visits for us to Cozumel & Belize. We're all totally excited as we just can't wait to cruise again!

It amazes me how our weeks seem to fly by and here it is the weekend again. I'm happy that we're back at least to normal winter temps and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that those single digit weather days are a thing of the past and that we'll see warmer days from here on out, even if rain is forecasted for the entire weekend. Now though it's time to head to bed because Maisie doesn't believe in sleeping in so morning comes early.


  1. So glad we were finally able to get together after all this time! Bri had so much fun with Maisie. Guess what? Bri took a nap yesterday - LOL! Seriously, I think Maisie is the only person that can wear Bri out. We got in the car and Briana said, "I miss Maisie." :)

  2. Great update! So happy Maisie loves school so much and is doing so well. Writing is the weakest area for Rachel, too... but I think with age it will all be okay. Love hearing about all of your trips coming up. We're planning a cruise, too... we've never been on one and I'm very excited!

  3. Wow! What a great report card. I can't believe you have another cruise planned. So jealous.


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