Sunday, December 06, 2009

Swimming like a dolphin and sand angels

Maisie and I had a relatively easy trip down to Aruba and have settled in nicely. When we first arrived Maisie's comment was "Mama I'm so excited to be in Aruba, I can't wait for all my friends to see me!" And let me tell you, all her friends were quite excited to see her. Maisie also couldn't wait to get her feet wet and play in the sand so while I said my hellos and caught up with a few friends, Maisie and my Mom headed down to the waters edge to play for a bit. We didn't stay on the beach long that first day as by the time we got to Aruba and my parent's place it was almost 5PM and we'd been up since 3am so needless to say we were quite tired.

Our first full day on the beach was great and Maisie had a blast being buried in the sand & making sand angels. The water was quite calm with smaller waves so both my Mom and I were able to easily get Maisie in and out of the ocean which is a treat as often there are big waves making impossible for even an adult to get in and out. We also played in the big pool but Maisie had her best time in the kiddie pool. Maisie has never loved getting her face wet or putting her head under the water but after only a little while in the kiddie pool she was swimming around like a dolphin, her swimming instructor is going to be so happy when we return to lessons in January. Below are two videos, first of Maisie being a dolphin and the second is her making sand angels.


  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Too sweet - I loved the first part with her buried in the sand. Her little suit is adorable. Have fun!

  2. Jealous! That's all I can say! As Lee is out blowing the snow to clear a way for me to take kids to school...I am JEALOUS :)

    Keep having fun and think of us shivering in the snow :)


  3. Elise9:05 PM

    Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time in Aruba! Enjoy your vacation, and thank you for sharing some of the fun with us readers! :)

  4. I wish I were there with you! Looks like sooo much fun!
    We got a ton of snow today...much different weather than where you're at!


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