Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Oh what a difference a year makes...with most things at least.

This time last year Eammon and I were both just recently home from the hospital. My parents were here taking care of all of us as Eammon was using all his energy to get in some time at work and recover from his illness and I could barely make it though a day, unable to care for myself let alone Maisie. We did have a Thanksgiving dinner but I was barely keeping rice and water in me so I really couldn't eat any of the meal, in fact the only thing that I really remember from Thanksgiving day was that the smell of the turkey roasting made me

This year my Mom has a little cold which hopefully will bake out of her quickly as tomorrow morning they're off to Aruba where she can rest under the warm Arubian sun and get healthy. The rest of us are all thankfully healthy and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we stay that way. We've had a nice visit with my parents this past week. Maisie's loved having her grandparents here and I've appreciated my Mom's help in cooking and getting meals together for Eammon for when Maisie and I are away. To finish off my parent's visit, today we enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

So what hasn't changed since last year? Check out this piccie of my Mom & Maisie from last year compared to the picture above. Just by dumb luck Maisie's pants and my Mom's jacket are the exact same this year as what they were wearing last year when I snapped their piccie, too funny!

Hope that everyone enjoyed a wonderful and healthy Thanksgiving.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Isn't that funny! Stuff like that happens to me too.

    How nice it is first that Maisie can enjoy your parents. Also I was looking at the photo and I think Maisie and your Mom have the same smile! ; )

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    So happy that you all had such a great Thanksgiving this year -- anything had to be better than last year :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Forgot to sign my name -- Ilene, Michael & April

  4. Ahhhh, sounds nice. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  5. Happy T day! Have a fab trip in Aruba!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. We just got back from a week trip to Texas. So glad to catch up on you! Glad all is going well!

  7. Wow! The pics are so similar but SO DIFFERENT! Glad everyone is feeling better this year! Phew!


    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  8. Love Maisie's brilliant smile! Just lights up my world!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy


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