Wednesday, September 23, 2009

High & Dry...Thankfully!

Thankfully our lake never got much higher than what the pictures in my last post show and for us, by continually keeping the drain at the front of our house raked out and cleared of the build-up of mud, silt & debris, we averted any and all flooding in our home. Our neighbor's wayward detached and floating dock was rescued by a couple of guys and is now tethered to the owner's property. The wood is so waterlogged though the dock seems to be slowly sinking so who knows if it can be saved.

Along the east & west sides of our property we have water inlets to the pond which both turned into raging rivers. Along the east side of our property, as well as the neighbors yards along that side, we all had a lot of soil wash away which greatly widened the inlet. Once the water subsided a little sandbar appeared which was ceremoniously claimed by two of the neighborhood boys. When the water was at its highest it was up to and beyond our neighbor's fences so it's amazing how far the lake level came up and also how much it has dropped already.

Thankfully the predicted additional week of rain hasn't happened as we've had two days of sun or just overcast weather allowing lake and stream levels to subside and water to drain out of flooded areas. So many of our neighbors and friends weren't as lucky as us and took in water so their clean-up will continue for some time.

Yesterday and today all the schools have been closed as our county had almost 200 road closures due to flooding, mudslides or being washed away. Currently there are still 39 roads closed but thankfully for me, they're not roads that I need to travel. Maisie and I enjoyed our two days off doing a little of her school work, some arts & crafts, we played games and did puzzles together and today we ran some errands, did a little shopping and enjoyed a girls lunch out. In addition Maisie has loved that her friends K & A have been home too allowing them time to play together much more than what they generally get to during the week.

Thank you to everyone for your concern, prayers, good thoughts, comments, emails and phone calls, they were all very much appreciated.


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Hi, glad to hear that. We're drained out, too. Thank goodness for the sun today and most of yesterday.

    --Ilene, Michael and April

  2. So glad you're fine.
    I love reading your blog and think that Maisie is just adorable.
    I have come out of lurking to tell you that I think you have a great family and are doing just such a fabulous job with Maisie.
    I am a mom of 5 bio and 3 adopted children and have been reading your blog for about a year now.

  3. Elise5:22 PM

    So glad everything turned out okay for you guys! Yay for sunshine! :)

  4. YEAH!!! I am so glad that your property was spared. I know that it took a lot of work to keep the drain cleared out - but was well worth it in the long run.

  5. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Can you believe we got another dousing? I really wish we had kept the water pump for the entire week. Who would've thought it would be coming again this way so soon and so hard. Hoping you're all still dry.



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