Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You knew that daily blog posting couldn't last

I know that there are a few people who would love daily Maisie posts but those people know me all too well and know that I'd never be able to keep up posting at that pace but hey, eight days in a row of posting, not too shabby!

We really enjoyed our weekend, party on Saturday and a fun play day on Sunday. Neighbors K & A had been away for a week and it seems that they had major Maisie withdrawal and trust me Maisie missed them something fierce. K & A arrived home Saturday night after Maisie was already in bed but as soon as they were up Sunday morning they were knocking at the door, giving hugs to one another and ready to play. Maisie was so excited to see her friends again. K, A & Maisie played in the back yard & pool until it was nap time for Miss M (a.k.a. cranky pants that morning) and trust me, she needed that nap.

After nap time Maisie raced over to K & A's house to play some more. Eammon was heading out to see a movie with some friends so I invited K, A & parents over for a dinner of grilled pizzas. Figured that since I had picked so many figs off their tree while they were away, I should at least make some of the roasted garlic onion jam, fig & goat cheese pizzas for them. I made the pizzas and we all brought other items to the mix and had a great dinner and a nice evening.

Monday was a slow day for Maisie and I. Puzzles & books, tea parties and playing with the Wii, cleaning out a couple of kitchen cabinets and just a few afternoon errands, just a nice Mummy & Maisie day.

This morning we headed down to Ikea as I was looking for a shelving unit to hold all the television equipment, DVD's, the Wii and its games. I found and bought a unit that I think will work but we'll see how long it takes until I get it put together. While at the store Maisie said she was hungry so I was a big spender and bought her the $1.99 full breakfast which she really enjoyed and surprisingly finished almost all of it. Maisie was desperate to sleep on the drive home but I wanted her to stay awake hoping that she would nap once home. I was able to keep her awake in the car but the girl would not sleep once home...OY! After the no-nap time we headed out to gymnastics where she had a great practice. I'm really enjoying spending full and almost full days with Maisie and next week when her schedule gets crazy busy again I'm going to miss my girl.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I would adore seeing daily pictures of your sweet Maisie. Maisie always looks like she is having so much fun with her friends and you are lucky to have them as neighbors. Your pizzas and all your recipes look wonderful, I may have to come knocking around dinner time one night.



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