Monday, August 03, 2009

Monday with my gal

With camp being over and no plans to speak of, Maisie and I had a fun day together. This morning Maisie actually slept in a little later than normal, a wonderful way to start the day! After a nice leisurely start we headed out and did a little shopping before going over to the county school office where I registered Maisie for school. We then headed home and enjoyed leftover homemade grilled pizza for lunch. After a nap (yeah she napped!) we played outside for a while as it was a gorgeous day. Around 3:30PM I realized that I hadn't planned anything for dinner but one look over at the garden and a quick think on what I had on hand and I had an idea. So Maisie and I picked some long beans, white & Japanese eggplant and then headed over to our neighbor's yard to pluck some figs from their tree. Maisie and I then roasted the veggies and made a wonderful crustless quiche. I used the same custard recipe as I did here but this quiche was just green onion, roasted eggplant, roasted beans and roasted garlic, totally delicious and everyone gobbled it up.

Dessert was pure gastronomic bliss in a least for me. Perfectly ripe just picked figs with some goat cheese and a drizzle of some top of the line aged balsamic vinegar. Oh my gosh I was in heaven and I may be having this over and over during fig season, total yum!

Maisie loves picking veggies from our garden and she had a blast helping to make the quiche. Nothing over the top super special that we did but a fun day with my girl.


  1. What a wonderful day together from start to end! Mom and daughter time is the best, I'm sure! Supper sounds yummy. I've never tried a fig...can you imagine? Sounds like a great dessert though.

    Hope the rest of your summer is filled with more wonderful days like these before the school season puts us in full forward motion again.

  2. YUM! I'm going to click over to your Lisa cooks and find that recipe! We are just starting to get lots from our garden and a quiche would be perfect!

    Figs look great! I'm glad that you could have a fun day with your sweet girl. The pic of her is darling.


  3. Sounds like a perfect day!

    Is it time for school already???

  4. Wow! Those are some huge eggplants! Beautiful! Sounds like a wonderful day. :)

  5. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Sounds like a lot of fun and of course you are my culinary hero. I'm not a fig fan (we had a tree growing up) but even the dessert sounds delicious!

  6. I can't believe Maisie will be going to school!

    Sounds like a wonderful day! Those beans really are LONG. I have never heard of them before. Dinner sounds scrumptious!!

  7. Ooooo, sounds delish! I've been buying long beans at the farmer's market lately but have no idea how to cook them right. Don't shudder, but I've just been steaming them. Boring, huh?


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