Saturday, August 08, 2009

Maisie's Saturday

This morning was all about celebrating Briana's 3rd birthday. Since we were heading to an inflatable jumping place I asked Maisie to get a pair of pink Hello Kitty socks from her drawer but instead she decided to go for a layered pink and purple look and thought she looked fabu so we went with her selection.

Maisie, who's always been petrified of inflatables because of the noise, conquered her fears today and had a great time at Bri's party. In the end she was up, down and all over just having a blast. All the children (and I use the term loosely, just check out the "big kid" piccies toward the end of this post) had lots of fun with Briana having the best time of all, the girl never stopped and the smile on her face was ear to ear.
It was fun to meet a new family, Liene, Emilija & Lane as well as see so many old friends.
Randi with her new daughter Emma.
John & Katie.
Matt & Chani.
Emily Grace, Briana, Laney & friends playing ring-a-rosie.
Trixie & Danielle.
WaWa & Andrew.
Katie on the slide.
Maisie on the slide...finally enjoying inflatables, woohoo!!
Birthday girl Bri celebrates with cake & friends.
Then the "big kids" tried to do what the little ones found so easy.

Doug giving Eammon a "little" help up the ladder.
Once Eammon made the big climb, he and John helped Doug to the top.

Thanks for a great time and Happy 3rd Birthday Bri!!
After the party we stopped for a quick lunch of sushi and then once home we tried to have Maisie take a nap but she wasn't having any part of it.

The afternoon was spent in the back yard pool where Maisie had a blast. I picked more figs from our neighbor's tree and tonight I'm making grilled pizza again for dinner as it's a favorite with all of us and so easy to make. We're in for a quiet evening, maybe a family night of Wii.

Ta till tomorrow when it's three-word-Sunday!


  1. LOL!!! I'm doubled over because I am laughing so hard at the pictures of Doug and Eammon! It was so great seeing you, and I was amazed at how much fun Maisie had on the inflatables! Go Maisie! I'll see you soon!

  2. Oh - and I am going to totally steal your photos for my blog. ;)

  3. I feel a new closeness with both Eammon and John now.

  4. When Doug and I "courageously" managed to complete the obstacle course I felt that we had really achieved something and it took barely 20 minutes. I laughed so hard my face was sore for a long time after. A great day even for us big kids.


  5. Love the party pictures but the dad ones are priceless!!!
    I am going to make your grilled pizzas as they sound WONDERFUL!!!


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