Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fourth of July weekend

We have enjoyed a really nice 4th of July weekend. It started Friday afternoon/night when we joined with some of our neighbors for dinner and a BBQ. Maisie of course had a great time playing with K & A and it was nice for the adults to be able to sit down together, relax and laugh. Eammon left the party early in the evening as he had prior plans to join a friend to help celebrate his birthday but Maisie and I stayed and played until she came to me and said she wanted to go home because she was tired and by then it was close to 10PM. Even though she went to bed over two hours after her usual bed time, the next morning she only slept about 30 minutes later than usual...OY!

Saturday we didn't have any plans for the 4th nor plans to attend any fireworks displays as neither Maisie nor I like crowds and the sound of fireworks scares the pants off of Maisie. Since she was extra tired from the previous night she went down without any fuss, for an early nap and then she and Eammon spent a few hours at the pool. We've been having glorious weather here in Georgia, bright sunny days with no humidity, perfect for enjoying the outdoors. After the pool we went out for dinner followed by a little playtime at home, then it was bedtime. I was happy that Maisie fell asleep before people in the neighborhood started setting off firecrackers as she was able to get a good nights rest.

This morning we headed over to Trixie & Roger's home for brunch. It's been forever since we last saw them so it was great to catch up and to finally meet their daughter Danielle who will be 4 months old in just a few days. Also it was fun to see how much Andrew had grown, he's such a big boy now so much more so than when we saw him the beginning of the year. We all enjoyed a delicious brunch and it was a nice relaxing time together and with the children. Trixie made a spinach & tomato pie and a wonderful corn relish, Roger grilled some Carne Asada to perfection and to the mix I added a potato crusted garden quiche. It was fun that both Trixie and I used veggies that we had grown in our gardens, love those home grown veggies! Danielle was such a cutie, so alert and following everything that was happening around her. Roger introduced Maisie to cheesy puffs, which she loved and is now disappointed that we don't have such fun junk food in our home and may be planning a trip back to raid their pantry.

I had hoped to take Maisie to the pool this afternoon but after all our wonderful weather of late, today is a rainy day. Instead of the pool we're just spending time together and I guess I'll get caught up on laundry and some cleaning.

Hope that everyone had a wonderful Independence Day.


  1. What a wonderful family weekend!

  2. How fun! That baby is SO cute! Makes me want another little girl in our family!

  3. Cute kids, great food, and a fun holiday! Sounds perfect :)

    We're getting excited for a little get-together next week!!


  4. Yall have been busy and I cant believe how grown up your sweet girl is

  5. Happy 4th! You have so much fun. Excited to see you next week. Hey could you bring 3 to 4 bags of chips?

  6. What a fun, busy weekend! I can't get over how grown up A looks! Wow! Danielle is a sweetheart!

  7. So good to see the pics - looks like a fun evening! Seems like forever since we've seen you. Hope you are doing well!


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