Monday, July 13, 2009

Final days in SLC

Sunday morning after a good nights sleep for all, we hung around the house in our PJ's debating what we should do with the day. Once the girls were both awake and fed they played together and did their silly word games.
Solomon decided that he was old enough to play on the computer and tried to take over on my laptop.
Tiffany was debating if she was up for church or not, as her time slot happens smack dab in the middle of nap time, but when I said that we'd go with her if she wanted, she decided to go. We all put on our Sunday best and then walked over to her church. Through the years I've been to many different Synagogues and Churches of various denominations but this was my first time in a Mormon Church and I have to say it was different than any other service I've attended but also interesting. I'll also say that I'm glad that we only attended the one hour Sacrament meeting and headed home without attending the additional two hours of classes as I, along with the little girls had reached our limit and nap time sounded like a great idea. Our timing was also perfect in that we made it home just minutes before the skies opened up and torrential rain started.
The girls slept together again for naps then we had a play filled afternoon. Come bed time the girls jumped into the bathtub and had a fun time splashing and playing together. I was looking back at a slide show from our last visit which includes some bathtub piccies and I just can't believe how much they've grown but they still love bathing together. The girls both had another good nights rest allowing their Mama's to get some sleep too!!

Today I had plans with Susie as she was taking me to the open house of the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple. I figured it may be the only time that I'd have the opportunity to go inside a Temple so I was so grateful that she arranged for us to go. I'm also thankful that Tiffany offered to watch Maisie so that I could go out and spend time with Susie. The Temple was beautiful and really interesting to see and Susie was able to tell me the meaning and symbolism behind a lot of the things I was seeing. After the tour we headed out for lunch and her husband Scott suggested we go to Z'Tejas which was a great choice and I absolutely loved my meal. After lunch we headed back to Tiffany's and while the little ones napped, Susie, Tiffany and I visited.

After naps Eliza's teacher Destinee came over to watch the children so that Tiffany and I could go out for a few hours sans children. We headed over to the Gateway Center to do a little shopping including a stop for treats at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Next we headed out to get pedicures and then we enjoyed a quick dinner of gyros. Our time was limited but we then headed over to Lisa's for visit and to check out how cute she decorated Tate's room and to see her lovely, recently refinished hardwood floors. It was a quick visit though as we had to get back and relieve Destinee but Lisa was going to head over to Tiffany's to spend some time with us. When we arrived back at the house we could immediately see that the girls had had fun as the driveway was covered with chalk drawings and we could hear giggles coming from the back yard. The girls were whooping it up in the pool and said that they had had fun while we were away.

Lisa & Tate came over so we got to spend a last visit with them and before we knew it, it was bedtime for all the wee ones so we said our goodbye to Lisa & Tate and all the children went to sleep. I'm all packed and early tomorrow morning we head back to Atlanta. I know that Maisie will be delighted to see her Baba and to be back in her own home but she'll definitely miss her friend Eliza. Hopefully Tiffany, Eliza and Solomon will make a trip east and visit with us soon and I know this won't be our last visit to SLC as we always have such great fun with our Utah friends.

On a final note, Tiffany is giddy shopping Gymboree online and channeling Julie Andrews singing My Favorite Things...and she just won't stop...OY!! Guess it's good that we're packed up and heading home tomorrow! Thanks Tiffany and all our Utah friends for a great visit!


  1. Looks like a great visit. The girls are so cute together. You should submit a photo of the girls to From China with Love: A Photo Blog. Solomon is so adorable!!

  2. Eliza woke up asking where Maisie was the second she woke up. There were major tears when I told her you had left for home. We are all looking forward to the next time we will see you...hopefully sooner than later!

  3. Sounds like you had a busy time. I think it is great that you made th most of every moment!

    We were so glad to see you again. Thanks for coming! We can't wait for your next visit. Thanks so much for the beautiful friendship statue. It is on my bedroom dresser! You are so sweet.

  4. It was so great to see you and Maisie and hang out with everyone! Hopefully we can come visit you next time.

  5. I'm jealous of the temple/lunch trip! I'm sure you had a great time and great food :) I would have loved the visiting time you are out I'm going to hitch along one of these kid-free moments!


  6. Love the pics!!


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