Friday, April 10, 2009

No breaks for Spring break week

I have to say, this has been a rough week. The weather has been mostly uncooperative with rain, snow, more rain and today tornado, high winds, hail and severe storm warnings...thankfully we've only had the rain, thunder, major lightning, hail and high winds...thus far but the tornado sirens have gone off a couple of times. Even if the weather had been more conducive to being outside this week, our pollen count of over 1200 each day would have nixed that idea. Even though I've kept Maisie busy with lots of activities, indoor play gyms and three hour gymnastics practices two afternoons this week, it just hasn't been enough to burn off all her excess energy. I'm of course still trying to get over bronchitis and could really use a full nights rest or maybe even an afternoon nap but neither of those have been part of Maisie's agenda. Yesterday she was so wired and spinning out of control like a whirling dervish and I was completely done and exhausted that I put her to bed at 6PM and I was in bed by 7. Of course Maisie had me up at 2:20am for over an hour but what else is new...

This afternoon I had to go for a follow-up appointment for my kidney stone incident. Instead of bringing Maisie along for all the "fun" I instead dropped her off at PLAY where she had a great time doing all the Easter activities and playing with all the other children, with games and in the gym. To join in on M3's Fashion Challenge Friday, when getting dressed this morning I asked Maisie to pick out her own outfit with my only direction being that she needed pants and a shirt because she was going to PLAY. She did well picking out her outfit, black velvet pants, a pink Lilly Pulitzer top, light pink socks, sparkly pink sneakers and even pink Elmo panties. She did much better choosing an outfit on her own than she did last Thursday when Baba "helped" in choosing clothes and I was happy that I didn't have to hang my head in shame when I dropped her off this afternoon.

Spring break hasn't felt like much of a break so I'm ready to get back to our regular schedule next week. Have a good weekend and we wish everyone a Happy Easter and Passover.


  1. Such a cute picture of Maise.

    Happy Easter! I hope you are able to get some much needed rest.

  2. Cool outfit ! We are seeing that same pose and variations of it, as our daughter attempts acrobatic moves on or over the sofa!

    Happy Easter, stay well!
    June : )

  3. Great photo, but I'm betting that isn't a photo op ... it's your every day life. Sorta like mine, but on a toddler scale. I can see what's coming down the road! I am impressed with the outfit, wow.

    I do hope you are feeling better. What a crummy spring break you've had. We had the same thing around here (crummy, rain, gloomy, cold) and I felt so bad for the kids and parents.

    Happy Easter or Passover to you too!


  4. Go Maisie, awesome outfit!! Wow. Hope your weather and pollen cooperate soon.

  5. Oh, if gravity was only so kind to me when I'm upside down!

    Happy Easter!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  6. I am so with you on the nasty week!! What the heck?!? Love that Maisie is doing so well picking out her own clothes. That isn't even an option for Emily Grace. I would clearly have a winner of the "tacky day" best costume award if I allowed her right now!
    Would love to see Maisie in action at the gym with that much practice!!
    Hope you get some rest soon!!

  7. I cannot believe the crappy weather you are having...course in Utah it snows every other day. I'm sorry to hear of you ongoing lung issues. It must be horrible to have to deal with the same stuff year after year. I think Maisie did an awesome job picking out her clothes. Hope you feel better soon and that the weather lets your crazy kiddo get out of the house.

  8. Happy Easter/Passover. That really is a cute pic of Maisie. Eliza was a bit concerned that she had her shoes on while playing on the couch. Silly girl! Can't wait to see you both...Eliza also emphatically told me she wants to "play with that girl". Please bring that girl over here soon!


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