Sunday, March 01, 2009

Snow day

It's snowing in Georgia today and in Atlanta there are actually white-out conditions! In our area the snow isn't accumulating on paved areas and from the radar images, the storm should pass today and tomorrow the snow will hopefully be a distant memory. I moved south from New England to get away from weather like this!!

I was on a roll doing five posts in a week and then nothing for this past week. The week seemed so busy and before I knew it, it was over. Eammon was in Houston all week for business and I managed to get quite sick before he went away. But thanks to my new three day rule*, I went to the doctor before I got really sick and landed myself in the hospital again.

Maisie is such a character and her new favorite love is band aids. I have to limit her daily access as she'd go through an entire box covering all her imagined aches, pains and spots that are bleeding. How do I know that all the aches and pains are imagined? Because no matter where she hurts, she always requests that the band aid be put on her pointer finger.

On Friday I booked three trips and I'm so excited. In June Maisie and I will be heading up to Boston to visit friends and then in July we're going out to Utah to see some of our bloggy friends. In December Maisie and I will be going to stay with my parents in Aruba. After last year of almost no travel, this should be a fun year.

Today's Eammon's birthday and we're just enjoying a quiet snow day at home with an home cooked steak dinner on the menu for tonight.

* Since being so sick back in November and landing in the hospital for two weeks, I decided that I needed to be better about taking care of myself when I get sick. Now if I'm sick for three days and I don't seem to be getting better I call the doctor.


  1. Happy Birthday Eammon!

    I am still so sad we didn't get to have our gno this past week. We definitely need to reschedule.

    I am glad you went to the doctor! Good Lisa! ;)

  2. She is too cute. The band-aid using gets kind old after a while though. I hope you tolerate it better than I did. I finally had to say after going through boxes in a month..."No more band-aids unil I see blood." Happy b-day Eammon!

  3. Sorry that you were sick. Looks like you have some fun planned though!

  4. Happy birthday Eammon!!

    Our girls are obsessed with bandaids. The only thing that bugs me is that if they put them on stuffed animals the things become permanent.


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