Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Fashionista returns to school

Maisie was beside herself excited to return to school today. It's been over six weeks since she last saw her teachers and school mates and the morning couldn't go fast enough for her as she kept asking "is it time to go, is it time to go yet?" She had a great first day back, yeah!!

Vacation and the holidays were great but it's so nice to get back into our usual routine of seeing friends, school and gymnastics. Monday we resumed Maisie's regular gymnastics practice, which we also attend on Wednesdays, and then on Friday there's something new in our schedule and Maisie can't wait, ballet class!! It's actually a ballet and tap class and last week we went to the dance store and bought the appropriate colored leo and tights, ballet and tap shoes and even an adorable dance bag. Everything is so stinking cute and Maisie's just itching to start her class. This is shaping up to be a wonderful week for my little girl and what a great start to 2009.


  1. Love the outfit, but really love the hair. Darling. I swear she is going to grow up and be a fashion designer. Enjoy school Maisie!

  2. Glad all things are getting back to normal in Maisie World!!! How fun to be starting dance! Make sure to take plenty of pictures...

    Love the outfit!!!


  3. Awww! She looks so cute! Love the outfit!

    It was so good talking to you the other day!

  4. Claire has those same shoes! Glad things are getting back to normal these days.

  5. Love that big smile on her face and her outfit. So nice to see her so happy. You must be doing something so right.
    Happy that your family is now doing ok healthwise.. Linda

  6. As always... Maisie's wardrobe is gorgeous! She is so full of personality!

    I'm starting to wish school was starting, we're still off til the end of the month! My kids are driving me bonkers!

  7. Maisies looks so adorable in her outfit and her excitment is contagious!!

    Glad to hear you're getting back into the swing of things. Routine has it's benefits for sure.

  8. She IS just such a sassafras! I love it :0)

    She is looking so grown up these day and I love her hair style.

  9. Anonymous12:41 AM

    April started dance class today -- at the Little Gym. We got her tap and ballet shoes and a leotard. When getting her one-piece, she rejected the sale on and "opted" for the little blue number with puffed sleeves. She LOVED it. There's 15 minutes of tap; 15 of ballet; and then 30 of gymnastics.


  10. Love her school outfit, so adorable! She is a cutie; so grown up looking! So glad she enjoys school and dance. Fun!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy


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