Friday, January 23, 2009

Bum in a bowl

Maisie called me over this afternoon to tell me that her bum was in a bowl...silly and limber little girl!

She spent quite some time just sitting and rolling around acting silly and watching a video. I had fun watching her giggle and being silly.
It's been another busy week of school, gymnastics and ballet, I can't believe it's Friday already. Where do the days go??

This weekend we have a very busy social calender or more accurately, I'm very busy. I'm going out both tonight and tomorrow night for some fun with friends. Tomorrow for lunch Eammon, Maisie and I are meeting up with friends to celebrate Chinese New Year and on Sunday one of Maisie's friends turns three so we'll be celebrating there too.

Hopefully I'll remember my camera and have lots of piccies to post...we shall see though as lately I've been so bad about taking pictures of Maisie-the-ever-moving-target. I have taken pictures of Maisie's bento each morning and if anyone is interested you can check those out at Maisie Eats Bento. I've also finally posted a new recipe on Cook Lisa Cook. This past Sunday I made a roasted tomato, fresh mozzarella and pesto pizza which looked and smelled so awesome when I took it from the oven, I just had to share. It was so delicious and Eammon just couldn't get enough, so I ended up making it again last night, yum!

Have a great weekend and Happy Chinese New Year.


  1. That "bum in a bowl" has me doubled over in laughter! Too funny!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. She is so cute and so funny. I'm so happy for your family.

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Bum in a bowl! LOL!

  4. What a doll! Hillary recently did the same trick in a garbage can at Thanksgiving dinner...not so cute for the 15 year old :)

    The recipe sounds delish! I'll have to link over and give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion- I've been in a dinner making rut!


  5. Gotta love the kids...Bum in a bowl and look at that smile on her face!!! I never get tired of being amazed by how wonderful kids are. Linda

  6. Too funny! I'll see you tonight. ;)

  7. Check out miss flexibility! How fun that she enjoyed rolling around in the bowl! Bum in a bowl is adorable!

  8. Cute!! Love the bum in a bowl!

  9. Hi! I first came across your "Maisie Eats Bento" blog as I am experimenting with bento. I followed your link to this blog and just wanted to say how adorable and clever Maisie is! Our family was also built by adoption -- we have an adorable and clever little boy!

  10. So cute! Wouldn't it be nice to be so flexible! ;-)


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