Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stop this horrific ride I want off NOW!!

The escapades of my first day home from the hospital followed by an easy day with Maisie proved to be much more than I was capable of handling. By Wednesday night I was running a fever again and just felt myself spiraling down. Eammon too was still so sick and getting weaker as he still couldn't keep food or liquids in him. Since returning from the hospital I too couldn't keep even water in me so we knew it was time to call in the reserves. Thankfully my parents had offered to come up from Florida to help us and so Wednesday night I called them to take them up on their offer. They arrived Thursday morning and after feeding Maisie something decent for brekkie (I had barely been able to make my way into the kitchen to hand her a bag of cookies) their first order of business was to take Eammon to the ER.

Once at the ER, Eammon was so dehydrated that drawing blood was nearly impossible and in addition his heart rate was off so he was admitted to the hospital that afternoon. By Friday morning unable to keep even sips of water in me, in major pain and after blacking out, I knew that I needed help, so that ambulance we avoided on Tuesday arrived for me early Friday afternoon. Now Eammon and I are both at the hospital down the hall from one another both trying to recover from this horrible sickness. My poor parents walked into a house that was barely being kept together after me being sick for so long. They went right to work taking care of Maisie, tackling the piles of laundry, taking on a couple of minor repairs and finding the kitchen again for which I'm very appreciative. I think too that Maisie is having a good time being with her grandparents and all the attention she is receiving from them. I'm so thankful that they are at our house taking care of Maisie and everything else so that Eammon and I can focus on getting better.

Still neither Eammon nor I can keep even fluids in us and until we can they won't release us. Hopefully though our time in the hospital will be short and that life will return to normal very soon. Hopefully my next post will have us all home healthy and with lots of cute Maisie piccies.


  1. OMG, Lisa. I am catching up here with you and I am horrified. I will be saying prayers for you and hubby. I just can't believe how awful you both are doing. AMAZING that Maisie has remained healthy through it all. Thank God she is in her home with your parents where everything is familiar to her - it must give you some comfort.
    Let me know if you need anything. SERIOUSLY. I may not be right around the corner but I will make a trip up there if you need anything....I'm a good house cleaner!!!!!!
    Hugs my friend, & saying LOTS of prayers.

  2. Oh my gosh Lisa! I can't believe you are back at the hospital and now Eammon too! Please let me know when you get back home and when you feel up to having some company! Hang in there!!!! Sending BIG hugs!

  3. So sorry to hear this. Hope you are both well and life is back to normal very soon.

  4. Oh I'm just horrified for you, Lisa!!! What an awful time of it you are having. Having to return to the hospital must have been so upsetting for you... and for you BOTH to be sick and in the hospital at the same time? Ugh! Thank goodness your parents are there to help and Maisie is doing okay. Sending lots of good healthy thoughts your way... (((Hugs)))

  5. I am so sorry for all that you (and now your husband) are going through. Hopefully this time you will come home WELL and stay WELL!!
    Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers to both of you.

  6. Gosh darn! I was hoping to read good news. I'm so sorry you are back in the hospital. I'm worried about you. Get better!


  7. Oh crud, I clicked on your blog hoping to read good news and saw this terrible news. I am SO SORRY. I can't believe you guys are both in the hospital at the same time, that is just awful. Thank goodness your parents could come to help. Sending massive get well wishes.

  8. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Sending many, many get well thoughts your way.

  9. I am glad you called in reserves. Do they have any real idea of why the two of you are so ill? Clearly this goes beyond "something viral"

    I hope Maisie continues to stay healthy.

  10. Oh, dear! I am so sorry to hear about you and Eammon! Wow ... Please get better soon ...I want to tell you about our REFERRAL! Finally after 6 days shy of 33 months we have our little girl.

    Get better soon ....huge hugs and love being sent from Lakeland, FL ...Lori H

  11. Man oh man guys have really been through it. It is amazing that Maisie is not ill as you guys have it so bad.

    I hope that this comment finds you feeling better and that you will be home soon and back to your old self in no time.


  12. Feel better soon, guys xx

  13. Oh no both of you in the hospital! So glad that your parents were able to come up and help. There are many out here who wish to help so don't be shy about asking. Even if you just need someone to talk to. Hopefully you'll be on the mend soon and they figure out why this is happening.

  14. God bless your Mom and Dad!!! I am sorry your family is so so sick and pray you both get better soon.


  15. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Oh no! Feel better!

  16. How completely awful that both of you are in the hospital. What are the odds? The times that I have been hospitalized for pneumonia, you don't get much rest there either. You really don't get rest until you are over it. I am diabetic too, so it takes me even longer to recover. It's a good thing that your parents are there to help out and hopefully it will make your recovery easier when you get home! Hang in there and hope that your next post brings good news!

  17. Yikes! I hope that you both are OK and feeling better soon! Keep us posted when you are able.

    Hugs all around,

  18. Oh Lisa, I am so sorry to hear you both are still so sick! So glad your parents are there to help you with Maisie. Sending get wisheds and hugs to you all!

  19. oh lisa, here's wishing you all a speedy recovery and lots and lots of good health!

  20. I can't believe things just keep getting worse for you guys. I am so sorry. You all continue to be in my prayers.

  21. What a shocker! Being sick is hideous - but being SO sick, and having your husband so ill as well, is just a nightmare.

    Hope you both get plenty of rest, while in hospital, and are back on your feet in no time.

    ((hugs)) (from a distance!!)

  22. Was just checking to see if there was a "we're home!" update. But no... I'm so worried...

  23. When I got your email about Eammon, I was sick. I was grateful tho' that you were still at home. I was horrified when I read this post. You are kidding both can't be that sick?! I just can't even imagine. What does Eammon have? Wish we were closer to help you. Sending our thoughts and prayers. We are so glad your parents are there. Cheers to them.

  24. I am so sorry to hear that you both are so sick! Glad to hear that you were able to call in some backup.
    Take care!
    Looking forward to more Maisie pics and you all feeling better.

  25. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Lisa, Eammon, and Maisie:

    Hi, we missed you today at April's party. I made a special mention of the illnesses that kept friends and family from attending April's naming ceremony/birthday party today. With all of the love and caring, and prayers in the room, we're hoping that will help you and Eammon mend more quickly.

    Love, Ilene, Michael and April

  26. Mercy! Get the plague out of your abode for pities sake. This is TOO much and I am sending the healing vibes to you now!!! (catch that!)

    So glad your reinforcements were at the ready for you!

  27. Oh Lisa, I am so sorry! Praying for all of you, that you're both home soon... and feeling healthy.

  28. Oh Lisa, this is horrible! You need to stay in the hospital and get better! SO glad your parents are there to help out!!! Thoughts and prayer with you my friend.


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