Thursday, September 25, 2008


This poor blog has been so neglected lately as here it is again, over a week since my last post. It's so easy to take piccies of Maisie's bentos especially in that they are still and other than a brief description there's little to explain. But capturing images of my little mess making, demanding, opinionated, wear your Mama out, whirling dervish love bug AND finding the time to write about all that is happening in the world of Maisie takes much more time. I'm going to try and be better about Maisie piccies and posting more often and though I've said it before, I promise again to try.

Those who follow along on Maisie's bento blog know that we're still alive and kicking as I've been good about posting over there. For those who want to know more than just what the little girl's been eating and for the non bento blog followers, here's what has been going on in the world of Maisie and family since my last post?

Wednesday I was so proud of myself for getting all of Maisie's birthday invitations out. Most of the invitations were done by evite but I didn't have email addys for her 11 school mates so I purchased cards, wrote out the invitations and placed them in each child's bag. Yeah, oh so proud until Thursday when one of the Moms informed me that I forgot to put Maisie's name on the invite...duh!!!

Friday night Eammon was out with his workmates at a leaving do, his! This past Monday was his last day working for the company he'd worked for since immigrating to this county. Tuesday he started with a new company, no rest for the weary. Hopefully he's going to love his new position as it's only the first week and he's already doing late nights.

Saturday we gathered for dinner with other adoptive and waiting families. It was fun seeing all the little ones and how much they've changed since our last time together. Having an evening out with friends was great fun too.

In addition to school and gymnastics, Maisie and I have had some play dates and we've spent time playing outside enjoying the gorgeous weather. Our activities have been a little limited as I've been trying not to drive anywhere beyond what's necessary due to the fuel shortage.

Who would have thought that almost two weeks after hurricanes Gustav and Ike passed through the gulf, that here in Metro-Atlanta 9 out of 10 petrol stations would still be without fuel. In addition, even with EPA clean fuel regulations relaxed, there are reports that it will be another two weeks before fuel levels return to normal and gas lines will a thing of the past.

On that note, don't drive around the metro area in the right lane as you might easily find yourself in a fuel line. I've seen gas lines as long as 1/2 mile long with officers directing traffic. In addition I also know of people who have waited at dry stations because there was word of a fuel truck due to arrive within a few hours!

Also for the people who only run on premium grades, they have been doubly s.o.l. as in two weeks I have yet to see a station that has anything other than regular and diesel.

IMG_3424 Today was Clifford day in Maisie's classroom so all the children were to wear red and bring in their favorite Clifford animal and/or book. We don't have anything Clifford nor has Maisie ever seen Clifford but that wasn't a problem as her teachers had extras. The exterior of their classroom door was decorated like Clifford's dog house and Miss Mary Jo & Hope shared Clifford with fans and newbies alike. Each child not only made and wore big red ears but at the end of the day they each got to eat a Clifford cupcake too!

When I picked Maisie up this afternoon she looked adorable with her little brown nose and big red ears. So cute in fact that she was able to pull the look off brilliantly wearing the only red item in her wardrobe, her Thomas the Tank Engine shirt! Maisie was the only child that had no interest in eating her cupcake so we brought it home for her after nap snack. I think she had no interest because she was full as she ate every single crumb of her bento. Her bento was cute but the hard boiled eggs that I had attempted to dye red in honor of Clifford instead came out bright pink, but she loved them.

I have the names all written out of the 38 people who voted for Maisie's bento in the Not Exactly Bento contest. Once I receive the prize, which is being mailed next week, I'll have Maisie draw a winner and I'll announce what I'm adding to the pot. Thank you again to everyone who took the time to vote and if the winner is not already packing bento, I hope that the prize package inspires them to start.


  1. Good to see you're alive and kickin' in the south. I LOVE Clifford and it looks like Ms. Maisie thinks he's quite the bees knees too.

    The gas line thing is awful. I feel quite spoiled up here in Yank land....for now.

    Ah, Bento, some day I actually will figure it all out. I keep seeing it popping up.

  2. Congratulations to Eammon on the new job!! He sounds just like Rod leaving a job one day and starting a new one the next. I would fall over from weariness and stress if I did that but it doesn't bug him at all.

  3. So glad for a post!!! Maise looks darling as Clifford! What a fun class. You sound like so much has gone on....heck a new job to boot! I couldn't believe the fuel situation. I would never have thought that you would still be having trouble!

  4. Maisie makes the cutiest lil Clifford I've ever seen!! I can't beleive you guys are still having gas issues. We were in Atlanta the weekend that it all started and wondered for a minute if we would make it home. Congrats and good luck to Eammon on the new gig!

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    What a cute day for Maisie. I am sure they have read stories to her about Clifford so she knew all about him. I always loved having special days like that when I taught kindergarten. Maisie is so cute- I know she is so loved at school. I am always so curious to see what you pack in the Bentos. You are one amazing mom to do that each day! So good to read what has been going on!

  6. I am packing bento, so I hope I win. BTW...I ordered bento boxes from Ichiban Kan, but where did you find the cute Hello Kitty and other cute cat ones you have. I didn't see them on Ichiban. If you don't mind sharing, I would love some or those cute ones. My email is
    (I am usually a lurker on your blogs, but I have been reading since you got your referral :-))

  7. Maisie looks so cute in those ears!!!

    It was great seeing you Sat!

  8. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Hi, Lisa, Eammon & Maisie.

    Maisie, you look so cute in your Clifford ears!

    Yes, the gas thing here is TERRIBLE! We waited about 40 minutes at Costco in Duluth today -- all they had was Premium. The roads are a lot quieter.

  9. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Oops forgot to sign my name to the previous post.


  10. Everyone should have a set of big red ears in their closet!

    Hope E loves his new job!


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